I saved myself. Belief in SELF was my support system. I left no room for doubt and accepted myself as I am, fully. Standing in my own power, I looked at how far I’d already come, in spite of my circumstances. Bump the past, I let it all go. I had a talk with me, deciding, I’d achieve regardless.” So, I Did!! ~Triddy Kat💋

My Story

Since 2016, Katrina aka "Triddy Kat" dedicated herself to healing. Experiencing a lifetime of abuse, from "others" purposely placing obstacle after obstacle, in her path, trying to stop her forward movement, triggered her "Awakening"... leading Triddy Kat to teaching others, how to overcome unsurmountable odds!"

Life is good but it can also be unfair. Bad things can and do happen to good people. “It rains on the Just and Unjust, alike.” Divorce can be difficult on its own, imagine leaving a “20” year marriage, throw in grossly manipulative parties and corrupt officials …You’ve just entered the nightmare I lived, that began with me going on a mission for “self-discovery” in the Summer of 2016…Who knew, the death of a 20 year union, would later inspire me to create…”Triddy Kat’s Meow. Com”

After, experiencing multiple tumultuous ordeals throughout her life, Triddy Kat knew, with the right support, anyone can survive anything & that she could absolutely teach others  how!!

A nightmare that’s hard for many to fathom, started out small, in a family court in a southern town. It’s quickly turned into the scandal of the year, including all of the plot twist of a Daytime Soap Opera…from ultimate betrayals, bribes, infidelity, gang-stalking, wire tapping, doctored evidence, illegal surveillance to all other forms of exploitation and harassment…and at the root of it all, MONEY, SEX & BS !!

Coming soon,The Trial of the Century!”  (check in regularly, for updates)… 

Where Life Is So Much Stranger Than Fiction…I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried!

Keep Shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

You can also visit me at: https://triddykat.com

 Youtube -” Triddy Kat’s Meow” & “Triddy Kat”

 Check out my “BLOG” on both of my websites!!! 


Our Team

woman, work, office
man, working, black and white
woman, professional, smile