What do you really know about Cats? Did you know that Cats are “conduits” of positive energy….& that they are our protectors of the energy world? Cats protect your home from evil spirits. They absorb & try to balance energy in your home. Cats are one of the most “Magical” animals on Earth. In Russia, before, moving into a house…some people will first, let a cat in to the home, to clear out, any evil spirits residing in it. Research for yourselves and you will be in awe.
Many people don’t know that Cats “protect” our astral body. They filter energy fields. When they “purr” they are doing so at a higher vibration, that brings healing. They monitor our evolution.. & are said to transmit information into higher dimensions. That’s why cats like to sleep along side or next to us. They are protecting “YOU” while you’re sleeping. Allow them to do their job, which is protecting you…even their color matters. The Cat’s color, decide, your needs.
Cats are the true, Spiritual Gurus.
They have healing power. When a cat rubs your leg giving you its magic, it is sharing its “astral force field” with you. Think on that, the next time a cat comes to you. It knows more about your needs, than you do. Did you know that kittens teach us love? Believe it or not, A “black” cat is not a symbol of bad luck, it’s one of the best cats to ever see…representing, deep spirituality & is considered a “power” animal, especially if it’s a black cat with “blue” eyes. One of the most powerful to see and if you have one cross your path, you are likely highly intuitive & could have spiritual gifts! It’s good to see one guys, it’s not bad luck that was a lie, it’s all spiritual.
BLACK cats trigger the “awakening” in those, seeking enlightenment. I can remember when I had mine, down to the day and all …and, where I was and what I was doing.
“Sacred Geometry” they understand it, Divine numbers of 9, That’s why they’re said to have 9 lives. It’s so much deeper but you all are starting to get it by now. Hopefully, you’ll change your view on cats and the magical powers, they actually possess. The Egyptians knew what they were talking about with cats, go look at the hieroglyphics .. notice “cats” all through out? .. in Egypt, the penalty was death, if someone killed a cat. I urge you to go look into why.
How much history have you been fooled into thinking wasn’t relevant… even something down to the power of cats? The very presence of cats protect you from evil spirits …and “cats” my friends, are considered “Royal” in the Galactic World! How freaking cool is that?
Ever wonder, why I chose the name, “Triddy Kat’s Meow” and what it means? Hmmm. Well, I ‘ll let you in on this much, Many have overlooked, the Ancient “Language” of Light, but I didn’t…And, Cats represent Self-Love! Now, you know a little more. Read the article, “Katrina” click link here, https://triddykat.com/katrina
Be encouraged! Life is much better than Good!
*This was written and created by, TRIDDY KAT® on October 10, 2017. Updated 2/3/23
Keep shining.
~Triddy Kat💋
Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow
Visit me at https://triddykat.com and https://triddykatsmeow.com