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Agent of Chaos

What do you really know about Chaos? Sure, its the utter state of confusion but do you know how to use confusion to your advantage? If not, I suggest one learn to master utter states of confusion in one’s life…it makes things easier for one to deal with life’s many surprises.

First thing, start out recognizing people that think they know you best are usually the ones causing the utter states of confusion in your life. One must love those unhealed family, lovers and friends, from a distance. Why? Because they are most likely, the agents of chaos in your life. If so, they’ll throw you a surprise party, quickest..(that’s slang for: trying to off you). Remember Osiris & Seth? It can happen to you, too. Scripture warns, “Get thee, out of thy kindred house” for a reason. Be it, jealousy of your gifts…in the physical realm, like your persona or good looks, etc. Or, in the spiritual realm, coveting spiritual intuition or creative abilities. Either way, no need to fear cause that’s only power for lames. You can’t stop a hater from hating on you. They see you and want to be you. As we say in the hood, Let your haters be your motivators. Use their negative energy to build yourself up.

Recognize the chaos energy and use it wisely. Do you appreciate it? I hope so because it’s what’s necessary to create change. Therefore; Chaos isn’t always a bad thing. Think on your own life experiences, how else would you have left that fool behind? View it like this, had they not created some sort of chaos in your life, you’d still be stuck with them. See them and smile. Those agents of chaos helped you move right along with your life. Your job is to see it for what it is and then, you can transmute it.

So my question is, “Do you recognize, when agents of chaos are being sent at you?” The very fact that they’re being sent at you means: you are extraordinary. Thank them. Chaos comes in many forms. For example, I had exes that I was once crazy about but they were straight ridiculous. Basically, screwing any and everything with a hole. No kind of self control. I’m talking, just down right shameful behavior but when the heart wants what it wants…the unhealed Self, will trauma bond and stick by the side of a womanizer, etc…because after all, broken is broken. I’ve Iearned from Spirit, that a person behaving like that, is sent to use their genital area as a weapon against others, to destroy them. True Spiritual warfare. That person has a Succubus or Incubus spirit attached to them. You will need Divine Intervention to defeat or cast out that type of low vibrational entity/spirit. Call upon Source for strength and guidance. That’s how you shut that mess down. Read the article,”Divine Interaction” click link here, Divine Interaction

In defeating these things, I’ve learned to respect the Astral and Spiritual Realm, just as much as I respect the Physical Realm. Those kind of experiences made me reflect and go sit my butt down. I stopped cheating or engaging in third party relationships. Dark Magic is real, people. Understand that haters secretly engage in it, using it, without your knowledge or consent, etc. I know because it was done to me. I’m speaking from my experience only here…but RA stepped in and shut all of that mess down completely saying, “Not today, not on my chosen.” Nothing can curse, what Ra has blessed. I am a witness to it. Many came against me but none were successful. They had no idea, Ra set them up, to show all what true Power is… And, once Source steps in it’s a wrap. All parties involved are being taught Spirituality. And, why one doesn’t abuse gifts from Source. We’re to honor Source and gifts given…They’re learning that now.

I’ve encountered and endured many trials and tribulations. Yet; Source is Faithful, held me down, each and every step of the way. Never abandoning me because I trusted in deliverance from my enemies and from their use of dark magic (against me). I don’t know, it’s just something about engaging sexually with any one with dark entities attached that simply turned me off.” I said, in my sarcastic voice. It’s real out here people. It was nothing but the grace of God that allowed me to escape their planned destruction for my life…And, only God knows the depths of destruction, they intended to cause me. I just know, I avoided it by listening to Spirit, faithfully guiding me, whispering, “They are a thief, sent to steal, kill and destroy your abundance, which is: Your Peace of Mind, Happiness and Future. Depart from them.” Agents of chaos will come in many forms, in one’s life. Reflect, see yourself in them. Then quickly, change lanes along with your perception asap.

One will not understand people like that. Take your focus off of them. Their purpose is meant for distraction. Remember, it’s about you and your”unhealedshadow Self. See that agent of chaos, as yourself. That’s your shadow representing all of the things and behaviors you can’t accept about yourself. Just know, being raised by a codependent primary caregiver…is conditioning that makes one behave in this manner. Most likely, you were raised that way too but it can manifest in lots of different forms, in your life. It’s from seeing people depend on and manipulate others for emotional validity..rendering thy Self utterly powerless. Read the article, “Self” click link here, Self

We grow up repeating and spewing toxic patterning in the lives of all those around us. Now, we’ve become the abuser of power consciously aware of it or not. Making others responsible for our happiness or unhappiness…yet, never connecting, how we’re constantly giving our own power away. You are responsible for your own happiness or unhappiness, never someone else. Emotional manipulation is a way to sneakily control others, instead of using communication, to express ourselves. Example, using the silent treatment, instead of expressing oneself. It’s purposely, depleting others of their mental energy. A favorite, Air element tactic. Hoping to leave one confused. Stuck mentally trying to figure out, what’s wrong? Stop. Go Heal. Who cares what’s wrong? Adults express themselves, children pout. Pull your energy out of that foolishness. That’s emotional abuse. Emotional abusers are agents of chaos, too.

Emotional Vampires aka emotional abusers…They get what they want by lying and manipulating others or instead of being transparent or just saying what’s wrong. I’m now recalling, a very toxic family member, who thrived off of this kind of behavior, then wondered why others refused to be around them. They would do things like, invite someone over for dinner, then talk about how much they ate, etc…once they left. How crazy is that? I’m laughing at it now but that’s actually pretty sad if you think about that. Who does things like that for the attention of others? No one that is mentally healthy that’s for sure.

An agent of chaos does things like this because they’re against, Peace. They’re always warring but it’s covertly done. So, it’s cowardly. Read the article, “Warmongers” click link here, Warmonger I call this, “Throwing rocks but hiding your hands.” Read the article, “Stones” click link here, Stones It’s using the Fire element completely wrong. Always jumping into action but for foolishness. Rushing into things isn’t wise. I have surely done it enough to know. Remembering, that quote, “Being brave is great but being wise is better.” Anyone purposely causing delays or setbacks in the lives of others, is an agent of chaos. Stop focusing on them, pull back your energy from them. Go invest it into healing yourself.

It’s like the womanizer from earlier. Why would you argue with a man (or woman) that can’t control themselves? It’s pointless and you’re just as crazy to engage. Just pull your energy back from them. Don’t engage leave them to themselves. “Let a cheater, cheat in peace.” I laugh at those that behave that way. Now, I realize it was no loss at all on my end. I’ve lost nothing of true value. What are you losing but a headache? Please. No one cares. Leave them to their own chaotic world. Remove yourself from mind games. That’s chaotic destructive energy. That’s not about you. Go heal. Self Love won’t allow you to chase anyone, especially, a proven fool. When you know better, you do better. Period. Remember, be careful on your view of them because they represent your shadow. It’s best to have compassion because they’re reflecting to you…your shadow reflection. Always stand your ground. Stand ten toes down for truth. Read the article, “Compassion” click link here, Compassion and…Read the article, “Stand Your Ground” click link here,

The agent of chaos will get mad at you lash out, spread rumors…flat out lie on you. Who cares about an angry bird? They are peons. Anyone believing a known liar, is also, a fool. Move on. Be glad. That’s a tough lesson on picking better people to associate with and spend your time with, nothing more but you can’t do that until you’re healed. They power up and anticipate y’all fighting. “Don’t you dare make a jackass, a King.” They make their lovers fight for them. While; secretly laughing at them all. Stop fighting, leave it alone. Go do you. When you’re healed, you will stop engaging in that kind of nonsense because you know better now, “It’s trash strictly for the landfills, dear.

And, it’s how you, yourself, once behaved until you were healed. You’re so much better than that. Besides, who fights over trash? Please. Leave that mess alone. It’s no longer your dog, so it’s no longer your fight. Always, remember that. It’s about you healing your Shadow…those parts of you, that you and others judged, deemed ugly and unworthy. The true you buried deep within… Shown no forgiveness, love or acceptance. You’re to embrace all parts of you. Every single part of you, requires healing, in order to be made WHOLE…No one is just one thing. Bring you back into balance. Read the article, “Balance” click link here, Balance That means ALL of you. So you’re no longer attracting and engaging agents. Walk in your dominion. Take your power back. Accept the authentic you. What are you scared of? Yourself? Liberation? How can anyone that can’t or won’t accept their true self judge someone else? Tell ’em to, “Knock it off.” Slang.

If you’re a caring and empathetic individual, you are a great river of supply, of emotions. Down side…Unprotected, you are a playground for some very low vibrational entities. They are going to tear your butt up. A spanking out of this world because you’re not in your power. Information is power. Being ignorant can cost you dearly. Creflo Dollar says this best,What you don’t know can’t hurt you until you find out what it is you don’t know.” How about that Million dollar inheritance and/or property, the estate that the family is purposely keeping secret from you, in order to steal it. Those greedy people, working together to keep you ignorant keeps you from what is rightfully yours because you ARE the true living heir. Oh now, that example ain’t funny, is it? Damn skippy it ain’t. You want your inheritance, bump those that knew and tried to steal it. So ignorance isn’t bliss for long.

Go heal, so you can get your emotional self under control. Get yourself together. Your things will be delivered right back to you because Spirit protected it and revealed it all to you long ago. The Universe works in mysterious ways but it’s ever so purposeful. Those agents of chaos were disguised as family, lovers and friends just so Spirit could reveal to you who can’t be trusted. Pay Cock blockers no mind. Read the article, “Cock Blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER That’s why the agents of chaos came to you. To show you, yourself…in others. And, how you may react and act in certain situations under different circumstances. But since you’re healed, you can look and shake your head. You know better now. You are wifey material because you’re whole in all ways. Read the article, “Wifey Material” click link here, WiFEY MATERIAL Plus, there is nothing Fugazi about you. They need to heal, they’re sick but that’s not on you. Read the article, “Fugazi” click link here,

Take the focus off of any other person immediately. Their job is to reflect your shadow back at you, so you can finally see, yourself also in others. “It ain’t hardly cute, now is it? Let Spirit deal with those behaving foolishly out of their greed and lust. They’re the Jezebel Clan for real. Read the article, “Jezebel Clan” click link here, Jezebel Clan Step back, pray for them. It won’t be nice. That’s why Jesus prayed for Judas. He knew ahead about the planned betrayal. Chaos and the agents of chaos will bring about the necessary change for all parties involved. It must. The word will not come back void.

How else was Spirit, going to get you to actually see what you run from? Which is yourself… That agent of chaos running rampant in your life, lets you experience what you do or have done to others in some form or fashion before you were healed… Read the article, “For the streets” click link here, For the Streets How foolish are you, to keep playing: dumb and blind with reckless people, instead of healing? A Glutton for punishment, huh? You keep engaging cause there’s some deep rooted issues within you…that you need to see and heal from. It’s in yourself, it’s not really about them or their lewd behavior. It was always about you. When you know better, you will do better. Good. Leave that kind of behavior in the mud for the pigs.

Royalty knows and carries itself better. It’s always about the bloodline. Preserve it. Recognize who and what you are…If, You were Regal, you’d sure act like it.

Chaos serves a purpose, it changes things at a faster pace but don’t be fooled, it’s not something one wants to live in. No one wants a tower daily. An agent does…(a tower-things crashing, suddenly, in our lives). They live for drama and usually create some sort of crisis, daily. Whenever things are going well, they go create toxicity for adventure. They’re bored. They lack true knowledge of Self. That’s pure chaos. Leave clowns in their circus. Read, “Negro Please” here, People speaking bad of you, lying on you, slandering you. They are using their words as a form of magic. Stop falling for it. Who cares? Now, go use that same chaos sent at you for your own advantage because life is better than good. We’ve got to Do Better because we know better. Plus, it’s a bad look playing with birds. Period. Yes, that’s slang, guys. We are grown. Put away all that childish, petty and jealous behavior… And, for God’s sake people,“Protect your HEART and your Energy.” It really does matter.

Now smile, you’re killing them softly becauseYou’ve used all of that Chaos Energy, they’ve sent at you, correctly.

You’re beyond Good! Yes, that’s more slang but whatever. Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

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