Triddy Kat

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Designer Baby

How do you feel about designer babies? This topic stirs up the emotions of many, I don’t know why. Admitting to it or not, women have been genetically engineering their babies forever. Most do it the cheap way, covertly. In the hood, this topic isn’t as unheard of, as many may want to believe.

I remember seeing my first born for the very first time after childbirth. I immediately got upset because I thought he should have been of a darker complexion. Now, that doesn’t mean I was disappointed as a mother but I was delusional in thinking of playing God. Mind you, I am adopted. Who knows what my own genetic pool consist of? I am an adoptee, there’s no way to predict anything beforehand. Plus, I am a Designer Baby” myself, but that’s a whole different article. Anyway, I thought I had picked all of the physical traits that I wanted my children to have. So I was shocked, if anything was slightly off. For example, I said, “My son will need to be at least six feet tall.” So, I picked a man that was that height, etc. Whether, we realize this or not that’s an example of genetically designing babies on a cheaper level guys. Some say, “That’s shallow.” I say, “Whatever, that’s always been the cheap way of genetic engineering in the hood.”

Another example, let’s say a Black woman says,I want my baby to have GOOD hair so subconsciously, she will make sure her child’s father has what the hood calls, pretty hair. Wake up people, this isn’t anything new. We just don’t pay it any mind. What about interracial couples? A lot of the women are doing the same thing, when they say, “I want my child to have darker skin (melanin).” Then, she has a child with a Black man. It’s no different. It’s just the cheapest way of doing it. Heck, we can all think of a group of women, worth billions, that have also done this. They’re actually doing it the way, it’s done in the hood. Yet, the biggest difference is their baby father’s are usually Famous Black men. What’s the difference? It’s still narrowing down to, women from all walks of life, genetically engineering. It’s still a Designer Baby. Rich or poor, lots of women do this, aware or not. But..Anyway, back to my experience…I’m not God, so I got a wake up call when I had my children. They’re gorgeous but Spirit reminded me, to get out of the way.

Now, whether Designer Babies are ethical or not, is on you. I will leave that to each, its own. That’s between you and Spirit. I love to say, “I would never.” But who knows what I’d do, if I could afford it. So I’m not stepping into that arena. You’ll have to take it up with Spirit, guys. I’m not about to be anyone’s God. Think for yourselves. I share my opinion on how I think because l choose to. Pray and seek Spirit for yourself. Listen to Spirit’s advice, take it from there. I wrote this to shed light on a topic I would like to hear discussed more… And, openly. Now to those women that don’t do this, I say, “Good for you”…but I’m willing to bet there are more women, that think like me, than don’t. Now, whether they admit it or not, is another story.

Anywhoo, I kept this short and sweet for a reason. Sure, it’s all superficial but we all know that the world we live in, is indeed, Superficial. That’s just life people. Back then, I thought I could design my children, boy was I so wrong. You live and learn. For the record, that child has a Butterscotch complexion and is six feet tall. So I’d say I came pretty darn close, huh? Just kidding, but I really did. Yet, I laugh at how, Mother Nature stepped in and said, “Girl, if you don’t go sit your ignorant butt down somewhere, I got this.” Things worked out just fine, I couldn’t have asked for more.Won’t he do it?!”

Relax, I’m being cynical people. Breathe.

Keep Shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Designer Baby Read More »

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Agent of Chaos

What do you really know about Chaos? Sure, its the utter state of confusion but do you know how to use confusion to your advantage? If not, I suggest one learn to master utter states of confusion in one’s life…it makes things easier for one to deal with life’s many surprises.

First thing, start out recognizing people that think they know you best are usually the ones causing the utter states of confusion in your life. One must love those unhealed family, lovers and friends, from a distance. Why? Because they are most likely, the agents of chaos in your life. If so, they’ll throw you a surprise party, quickest..(that’s slang for: trying to off you). Remember Osiris & Seth? It can happen to you, too. Scripture warns, “Get thee, out of thy kindred house” for a reason. Be it, jealousy of your gifts…in the physical realm, like your persona or good looks, etc. Or, in the spiritual realm, coveting spiritual intuition or creative abilities. Either way, no need to fear cause that’s only power for lames. You can’t stop a hater from hating on you. They see you and want to be you. As we say in the hood, Let your haters be your motivators. Use their negative energy to build yourself up.

Recognize the chaos energy and use it wisely. Do you appreciate it? I hope so because it’s what’s necessary to create change. Therefore; Chaos isn’t always a bad thing. Think on your own life experiences, how else would you have left that fool behind? View it like this, had they not created some sort of chaos in your life, you’d still be stuck with them. See them and smile. Those agents of chaos helped you move right along with your life. Your job is to see it for what it is and then, you can transmute it.

So my question is, “Do you recognize, when agents of chaos are being sent at you?” The very fact that they’re being sent at you means: you are extraordinary. Thank them. Chaos comes in many forms. For example, I had exes that I was once crazy about but they were straight ridiculous. Basically, screwing any and everything with a hole. No kind of self control. I’m talking, just down right shameful behavior but when the heart wants what it wants…the unhealed Self, will trauma bond and stick by the side of a womanizer, etc…because after all, broken is broken. I’ve Iearned from Spirit, that a person behaving like that, is sent to use their genital area as a weapon against others, to destroy them. True Spiritual warfare. That person has a Succubus or Incubus spirit attached to them. You will need Divine Intervention to defeat or cast out that type of low vibrational entity/spirit. Call upon Source for strength and guidance. That’s how you shut that mess down. Read the article,”Divine Interaction” click link here, Divine Interaction

In defeating these things, I’ve learned to respect the Astral and Spiritual Realm, just as much as I respect the Physical Realm. Those kind of experiences made me reflect and go sit my butt down. I stopped cheating or engaging in third party relationships. Dark Magic is real, people. Understand that haters secretly engage in it, using it, without your knowledge or consent, etc. I know because it was done to me. I’m speaking from my experience only here…but RA stepped in and shut all of that mess down completely saying, “Not today, not on my chosen.” Nothing can curse, what Ra has blessed. I am a witness to it. Many came against me but none were successful. They had no idea, Ra set them up, to show all what true Power is… And, once Source steps in it’s a wrap. All parties involved are being taught Spirituality. And, why one doesn’t abuse gifts from Source. We’re to honor Source and gifts given…They’re learning that now.

I’ve encountered and endured many trials and tribulations. Yet; Source is Faithful, held me down, each and every step of the way. Never abandoning me because I trusted in deliverance from my enemies and from their use of dark magic (against me). I don’t know, it’s just something about engaging sexually with any one with dark entities attached that simply turned me off.” I said, in my sarcastic voice. It’s real out here people. It was nothing but the grace of God that allowed me to escape their planned destruction for my life…And, only God knows the depths of destruction, they intended to cause me. I just know, I avoided it by listening to Spirit, faithfully guiding me, whispering, “They are a thief, sent to steal, kill and destroy your abundance, which is: Your Peace of Mind, Happiness and Future. Depart from them.” Agents of chaos will come in many forms, in one’s life. Reflect, see yourself in them. Then quickly, change lanes along with your perception asap.

One will not understand people like that. Take your focus off of them. Their purpose is meant for distraction. Remember, it’s about you and your”unhealedshadow Self. See that agent of chaos, as yourself. That’s your shadow representing all of the things and behaviors you can’t accept about yourself. Just know, being raised by a codependent primary caregiver…is conditioning that makes one behave in this manner. Most likely, you were raised that way too but it can manifest in lots of different forms, in your life. It’s from seeing people depend on and manipulate others for emotional validity..rendering thy Self utterly powerless. Read the article, “Self” click link here, Self

We grow up repeating and spewing toxic patterning in the lives of all those around us. Now, we’ve become the abuser of power consciously aware of it or not. Making others responsible for our happiness or unhappiness…yet, never connecting, how we’re constantly giving our own power away. You are responsible for your own happiness or unhappiness, never someone else. Emotional manipulation is a way to sneakily control others, instead of using communication, to express ourselves. Example, using the silent treatment, instead of expressing oneself. It’s purposely, depleting others of their mental energy. A favorite, Air element tactic. Hoping to leave one confused. Stuck mentally trying to figure out, what’s wrong? Stop. Go Heal. Who cares what’s wrong? Adults express themselves, children pout. Pull your energy out of that foolishness. That’s emotional abuse. Emotional abusers are agents of chaos, too.

Emotional Vampires aka emotional abusers…They get what they want by lying and manipulating others or instead of being transparent or just saying what’s wrong. I’m now recalling, a very toxic family member, who thrived off of this kind of behavior, then wondered why others refused to be around them. They would do things like, invite someone over for dinner, then talk about how much they ate, etc…once they left. How crazy is that? I’m laughing at it now but that’s actually pretty sad if you think about that. Who does things like that for the attention of others? No one that is mentally healthy that’s for sure.

An agent of chaos does things like this because they’re against, Peace. They’re always warring but it’s covertly done. So, it’s cowardly. Read the article, “Warmongers” click link here, Warmonger I call this, “Throwing rocks but hiding your hands.” Read the article, “Stones” click link here, Stones It’s using the Fire element completely wrong. Always jumping into action but for foolishness. Rushing into things isn’t wise. I have surely done it enough to know. Remembering, that quote, “Being brave is great but being wise is better.” Anyone purposely causing delays or setbacks in the lives of others, is an agent of chaos. Stop focusing on them, pull back your energy from them. Go invest it into healing yourself.

It’s like the womanizer from earlier. Why would you argue with a man (or woman) that can’t control themselves? It’s pointless and you’re just as crazy to engage. Just pull your energy back from them. Don’t engage leave them to themselves. “Let a cheater, cheat in peace.” I laugh at those that behave that way. Now, I realize it was no loss at all on my end. I’ve lost nothing of true value. What are you losing but a headache? Please. No one cares. Leave them to their own chaotic world. Remove yourself from mind games. That’s chaotic destructive energy. That’s not about you. Go heal. Self Love won’t allow you to chase anyone, especially, a proven fool. When you know better, you do better. Period. Remember, be careful on your view of them because they represent your shadow. It’s best to have compassion because they’re reflecting to you…your shadow reflection. Always stand your ground. Stand ten toes down for truth. Read the article, “Compassion” click link here, Compassion and…Read the article, “Stand Your Ground” click link here,

The agent of chaos will get mad at you lash out, spread rumors…flat out lie on you. Who cares about an angry bird? They are peons. Anyone believing a known liar, is also, a fool. Move on. Be glad. That’s a tough lesson on picking better people to associate with and spend your time with, nothing more but you can’t do that until you’re healed. They power up and anticipate y’all fighting. “Don’t you dare make a jackass, a King.” They make their lovers fight for them. While; secretly laughing at them all. Stop fighting, leave it alone. Go do you. When you’re healed, you will stop engaging in that kind of nonsense because you know better now, “It’s trash strictly for the landfills, dear.

And, it’s how you, yourself, once behaved until you were healed. You’re so much better than that. Besides, who fights over trash? Please. Leave that mess alone. It’s no longer your dog, so it’s no longer your fight. Always, remember that. It’s about you healing your Shadow…those parts of you, that you and others judged, deemed ugly and unworthy. The true you buried deep within… Shown no forgiveness, love or acceptance. You’re to embrace all parts of you. Every single part of you, requires healing, in order to be made WHOLE…No one is just one thing. Bring you back into balance. Read the article, “Balance” click link here, Balance That means ALL of you. So you’re no longer attracting and engaging agents. Walk in your dominion. Take your power back. Accept the authentic you. What are you scared of? Yourself? Liberation? How can anyone that can’t or won’t accept their true self judge someone else? Tell ’em to, “Knock it off.” Slang.

If you’re a caring and empathetic individual, you are a great river of supply, of emotions. Down side…Unprotected, you are a playground for some very low vibrational entities. They are going to tear your butt up. A spanking out of this world because you’re not in your power. Information is power. Being ignorant can cost you dearly. Creflo Dollar says this best,What you don’t know can’t hurt you until you find out what it is you don’t know.” How about that Million dollar inheritance and/or property, the estate that the family is purposely keeping secret from you, in order to steal it. Those greedy people, working together to keep you ignorant keeps you from what is rightfully yours because you ARE the true living heir. Oh now, that example ain’t funny, is it? Damn skippy it ain’t. You want your inheritance, bump those that knew and tried to steal it. So ignorance isn’t bliss for long.

Go heal, so you can get your emotional self under control. Get yourself together. Your things will be delivered right back to you because Spirit protected it and revealed it all to you long ago. The Universe works in mysterious ways but it’s ever so purposeful. Those agents of chaos were disguised as family, lovers and friends just so Spirit could reveal to you who can’t be trusted. Pay Cock blockers no mind. Read the article, “Cock Blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER That’s why the agents of chaos came to you. To show you, yourself…in others. And, how you may react and act in certain situations under different circumstances. But since you’re healed, you can look and shake your head. You know better now. You are wifey material because you’re whole in all ways. Read the article, “Wifey Material” click link here, WiFEY MATERIAL Plus, there is nothing Fugazi about you. They need to heal, they’re sick but that’s not on you. Read the article, “Fugazi” click link here,

Take the focus off of any other person immediately. Their job is to reflect your shadow back at you, so you can finally see, yourself also in others. “It ain’t hardly cute, now is it? Let Spirit deal with those behaving foolishly out of their greed and lust. They’re the Jezebel Clan for real. Read the article, “Jezebel Clan” click link here, Jezebel Clan Step back, pray for them. It won’t be nice. That’s why Jesus prayed for Judas. He knew ahead about the planned betrayal. Chaos and the agents of chaos will bring about the necessary change for all parties involved. It must. The word will not come back void.

How else was Spirit, going to get you to actually see what you run from? Which is yourself… That agent of chaos running rampant in your life, lets you experience what you do or have done to others in some form or fashion before you were healed… Read the article, “For the streets” click link here, For the Streets How foolish are you, to keep playing: dumb and blind with reckless people, instead of healing? A Glutton for punishment, huh? You keep engaging cause there’s some deep rooted issues within you…that you need to see and heal from. It’s in yourself, it’s not really about them or their lewd behavior. It was always about you. When you know better, you will do better. Good. Leave that kind of behavior in the mud for the pigs.

Royalty knows and carries itself better. It’s always about the bloodline. Preserve it. Recognize who and what you are…If, You were Regal, you’d sure act like it.

Chaos serves a purpose, it changes things at a faster pace but don’t be fooled, it’s not something one wants to live in. No one wants a tower daily. An agent does…(a tower-things crashing, suddenly, in our lives). They live for drama and usually create some sort of crisis, daily. Whenever things are going well, they go create toxicity for adventure. They’re bored. They lack true knowledge of Self. That’s pure chaos. Leave clowns in their circus. Read, “Negro Please” here, People speaking bad of you, lying on you, slandering you. They are using their words as a form of magic. Stop falling for it. Who cares? Now, go use that same chaos sent at you for your own advantage because life is better than good. We’ve got to Do Better because we know better. Plus, it’s a bad look playing with birds. Period. Yes, that’s slang, guys. We are grown. Put away all that childish, petty and jealous behavior… And, for God’s sake people,“Protect your HEART and your Energy.” It really does matter.

Now smile, you’re killing them softly becauseYou’ve used all of that Chaos Energy, they’ve sent at you, correctly.

You’re beyond Good! Yes, that’s more slang but whatever. Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Vist me at and


Agent of Chaos Read More »

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Webster’s Collegiate definition of the word, “Compassion“- sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it. Most people consider themselves to be compassionate and in spite of what the nightly news shows us each night, they are. What amazed me was so many synonyms containing the words heart. They were: bigheartedness, goodheartedness, kindheartedness, largeheartedness, softheartedness and warmheartedness. It’s fair to assume, one must use their heart in some way, to have compassion on others.

This definition caused me to reflect…when was the last time I’d shown someone mercy? Which was another synonym, listed for compassion. I recalled listening to Bishop TD Jakes preach once about Mercy. I loved his deliverance. He said, “When someone is innocent, they seek justice but when someone is guilty, they seek Mercy.” That completely blew me away. I started thinking of people that I’d shown compassion to. Next, I thought of others that sought mercy from me. Hmm, this word compassion was not as simple as I’d first thought. It’s easy to have mercy on small slights but what about your No’ No’s? Healing restores you. If I was so compassionate, who had I shown mercy to? Then, it hit me. I smiled and understood why this word, has the word heart listed so many times. Compassion is a heart issue. Whom had I helped to restore?

Next, I began to connect why scriptures always mentioned Jesus having compassion on those he healed. It’s connected to your heart. I remembered mercy. A friend was struggling with an addiction. Shame and guilt was causing him to hide it but Spirit had already revealed it to me. I never brought it up, waiting on his timing to address it. Shame and guilt is usually connected to addictions, making one feel bad, convicting them but a loving heart will free them. That’s why compassion uses the word heart so much. No wonder Jesus said, “Neither, do I convict you.” He was freeing them of any shame and guilt. Since, I loved my friend, I had mercy on him. I began to understand, me having mercy on him, would help free him of his burdens. I showed mercy and my friend was no longer burdened.

Who can you set free? That is having compassion. We don’t excuse anyone’s piss poor behavior. Yet; we can still have mercy on the guilty, out of our own ability to love. Love is the only thing real people. It frees both parties…The offender and the offended. It’s just that powerful. We must open our heart and that will help us, set others, free. It doesn’t mean that you are excusing negative behavior but when someone is struggling with something and they’ve wronged you…it is ok, to have mercy on them. They already know that they’re guilty, lest they wouldn’t feel shame and guilt. We can free those that have wronged us, by using our hearts and having compassion. It’s up to you to decide, using discernment, if one should interact with those that have wronged you again but always be willing to free yourself and others of unnecessary burdens. I wasn’t okay with my friend’s actions, but his fear of my judgement had placed a different burden on him. I began to understand it was bigger than me…so, I opened my heart to my friend, having compassion on him, to help set us, both, free. Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.”

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Compassion Read More »

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Remember the idiom, in the popular children’s folktale, written by Hans Christian Andersen: The Emperor’s New Clothes?” He was out there parading in the nude. He was exposed before all of his subjects. No one said a word, no-one wanted to go against popular opinion. That’s a very stern warning to us, all for going along with the crowd. In not wanting to appear foolish, we say nothing. Therefore; being made foolish. Be mindful, ignoring what Spirit shows you. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck…chances are, it’s a duck.

Open your eyes, there may be something or someone trying to present you an illusion. Don’t let anyone fool you, you can always change your mind. I don’t care what it is…it can be down to a week, before the wedding, if that person lacks integrity and character, it’s a duck. You can do it anyway, just know that that person is presenting you, your lesson. We love to blame the other person and not look deeper at ourselves. They lacked both but we still married them anyway. Then, the lesson wasn’t about them, it was about us. The people we meet are teaching you, about yourself. And, that’s not a bad thing either. Don’t cheat at life. You’ll only cheat your self.

Now, I have certainly entertained ducks. We all will. I’ve also entertained wolves in sheep’s clothing. You’ve got to watch out for the wolves. Those are not easy to decipher because they come at you, purposely, hiding who they truly are. They are clothed and cloaked in deceit. They will study you, beforehand, to see what it is that you like, but something will be off. Your gut feeling will tell you. Your intuition will whisper, “You need to look a little closer here.” That little whisper is from Source. Truth always resonates...lies won’t. If it is their intention to deceive you, Spirit has your back. But you can’t punk out. Accept the challenge and rise to the occasion. Use that scenario to transform. A wolf in sheep’s clothing was sent by the enemy, to test you. Lean on Spirit and you shall prevail. Spirit will reveal the deception to you. But, It will be on you to accept what is revealed...may sound simple but it’s really not.

What if the wolf is a family member or a close friend or your spouse? How easy will it be to change your mind on that? Could you walk away? I don’t think so. Most of us can not accept truth because that truth revealed, requires adjustments on our behalf. Be it in our lifestyle, title or status, etc…most people can not simply accept truth. We require help to do so. It’s best to go to Source for help because we don’t know the hearts of men. Speaking of men made me think on Hollywood actress, Elizabeth Taylor. Whether we can admit it or not, Liz Taylor knew something about men. Eight Marriages, not engagements, speaks for itself and that tells me, Liz absolutely knew something about men.

That’s why I named this, Liz. I respect Elizabeth Taylor, as an actress but more as a woman. It is not easy to do you while folks talk smack but she did anyway. Who knows what Spirit showed her about herself or her spouses? I know one thing, whatever it was, Liz wasn’t afraid to go for it or get the hell on… and that, I respect. Elizabeth Taylor showed women to live life on their own terms. I wonder how many women actually got that message? I absolutely get it, relationships are to show you, you. Sometimes, you are the wolf in sheep’s clothing. How’s that for truth?

I’ve been in plenty of relationships, married older and younger men. Men are simply men. I know each relationship will teach me, a truth about myself. I accept it, find the lesson, then move on. I appreciate the lesson and those that taught it to me. I don’t get stuck there. I don’t hate any ex. What for? Some of y’all have had a divorce and let the experience crush and paralyze you. Why? What stopped you from love? Mad, hurt, petty and still bitter…Why? Ever notice how Liz always kept it pushing? Who told you that you were going to stay with any person forever? Or that things will always be fair? Change your perception. We are here to self-correct and grow. People leave and things are unfair. So what? That’s life, sh*t happens. That person was supposed to teach you some things about yourself, you could/would not see. Nothing more. Get over yourself!

Everything else is a gift. If it last for a long or short period of time, great. Appreciate it all regardless. The gift is in the lesson. The negative and positive experiences are both needed to evolve. Balance. Read the article, “Balance” click link here, Balance The lesson is about yourself. You are here to master, YOU. Did you get it? Good. How did that become a bad thing? I’m an Educator, learning should never viewed as bad. It’s always about expansion and life. Life isn’t personal. I guarantee, if you change how you are viewing it all, you’ll heal a lot quicker. Read the article, “The Gift” click link here, The Gift

Good or bad, relationships, are meant to help me, learn more about myself. Nothing more. I was supposed to have fun learning it along the way. Not becoming bitter, hurt or living in some deep regret. I regret no relationship ever… if it’s a duck, oh well, it’s a duck. Better luck next time. “But you ain’t stopping me, Boo. You can be a clown by your damn self, must mean, something in me was broken, so I liked clowns at that time. Let me act like Liz and get the hell on.” That’s life people. I trust Spirit no matter what. Do you? I have learned to appreciate the people that taught me the lesson. They were fulfilling their soul contract with me. If I’d skipped all of the challenges, how else could I have learned? How freaking cool is that? Nothing is in vain. What if your enemy was really your best friend fulfilling the contract to help your soul evolve? I don’t have to hate anyone. It’s always a choice. Think outside the box people.

Ask Source for help in seeing things from a different angle. Ascend. Maybe, we just need to change our perception about life. We could have it all wrong causing ourselves, unnecessary suffering. That shift has freed me from giving two sh*ts on what society says, about life, relationships, marriage and the expectations of others. Figure out what works best for you. Stop letting others define you…and, how can any miserable person judge anyone? They’re too afraid to change their own lives. Please. To them, I kindly say, “Excuse me honey, go sit down somewhere.” In life, you can always change lanes. You’re no victim. Shift gears, by changing your perspective. I enjoy life and set my own rules. I’ve found out that attitude bothers a whole lot of suckers. Guess what? I could careless. They watch, Me…it’s never, vice versa.

I like traditions but I’m not bound by them, things that make no sense, will never cage me. I trust myself and Spirit. Others can miss me with their rules and expectations. I do me, regardless...(more slang). I’ve learned the hard way, doing things because others have done it that way, can get you in a lot of trouble. I certainly respect Liz’s gangster all day. Yes, that’s slang also dear. Plus, a woman that can get men to marry her, as many times, as Liz has, proves she knew something all women should know. Isn’t it funny, what society says and deems failure to be? Be careful going along with things that make no darn sense. Learn to think for yourselves.

To me, Liz did the damn thing. Liz was certainly what I call, wifey material all day. Read the article, “Wifey Material” click link here, WiFEY MATERIAL She played by her own rules…and I love that about her. I love knowing Spirit has my back no matter what. I also know that bothers and threatens insecure women and men. That boldness can be mistaken as cocky when it’s not. Read the article, “Cocky” click link here, Cocky I’m sure about The Divine’s love for me. And, because I love me, I can always change my mind. I’m never stuck or trapped. I do things on my terms only. I’m not afraid of people, relationships, failure or love. I heal and move on happily. Oddly, that has bothered a few men in my life. I just shake my head and keep it moving. Who has time for the foolishness? I speak my truth and walk away from liars.

Only one thing is for certain, “You will need to trust Spirit, to guide you through life.” There ain’t no way around it. When a wolf is revealed to you, it’s usually harder to accept because it’s likely, someone pretty close to you. Try not to get stuck in that. See it for what it is. I’ve been through that all of my life. I’m willing to bet that Liz has too. In cases like that, you need Spirit to show you the way out. It is painful accepting truth about the people we love, but Spirit always reveals, whose heart is no longer for you. When Spirit tells you something, listen…please don’t ignore it. You can trust it. Ask for discernment. It matters.

I wish we didn’t care so much about other people opinion’s, but we all do. Liz may have suffered caring about the opinion of others but she didn’t let it stop her. That’s to be admired. Master that same approach for yourself. Never let the opinion of others stop you, from doing what is best for you. Chill on doing things, without integrity. It’s usually attached to the thief…who comes to steal, kill and destroy you somewhere down the line. Spirit is what protects you from the deceiver. How else will you know, when someone or something has studied you, in order to deceive you? You will talk to Source and try the spirit by the spirit. If it’s being offered by the false prophet, don’t accept it. It’s a trap. Spirit has granted us the liberty to switch lanes and change our minds. I too have accepted the false prophets that have come along. When I awakened, I refused their cup. You can literally go in a new different direction. Who cares if others don’t like that you’ve changed your mind. You only owe it to yourself, to be true to you and look out for you. That’s Self-Love and it’s not attached to using others, stepping on people or their feelings to get ahead. Integrity and character will always matter. That’s how one Tries the spirit, by the Spirit.” Does it align with truth? If it does not, don’t accept it. Read the article, “Self Love” click link here,

A lot of us are surrounded by wolves in sheep’s clothing. If it leaves one in a state of confusion, it’s an illusion. Be mindful. If it’s a duck, it’s a duck. Accept it’s a duck and move on. Come on now, we’ve got to stop playing, stupid. Y’all don’t need me to tell you that. We all know not to accept a cup from an enemy. “It’s poison.” Wake your butt up, you know when that mess ain’t for you. It won’t feel right, no matter what. Go with that feeling, investigate why you feel that way. Do what you want…just know, “Everything that glitters, ain’t gold.”

People talk about Elizabeth Taylor’s relationships as if she failed. I view her completely opposite. I view her as courageous. She wasn’t afraid of life…that’s a winner, in my book. It doesn’t matter what others say, what do you say? You were given common sense, you must learn to use it. Stop asking others and go to Source. Most of the people talking smack, are the ones living in fear, that’s why they’re talking, instead of doing. Common sense, right? But I’ve found out that common sense, isn’t always that common. Wink.

If it’s not built in integrity or lacks character..It’s not real, people, it won’t last or stand. Good, don’t accept an illusion. It’s a trap. A test to see if you’ll settle for less than what you really deserve. The wheat is being separated from the tare, people. Only accept and go for the real. You won’t be waiting for long. Read the article, “The Test” click link here, The Test In the meantime folks, you’re supposed to be having fun, enjoying and living your life. Hmm, Are you? Smile.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Liz Read More »

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Fools Rush In

There’s an old saying, Fools rush in, where Angels tread lightly.” To me, that’s telling one how to identify a fool. Anyone that rushes or makes haste, to enter something that a Celestial Being, knows to tread lightly in, is a fool. We were warned, In all thy getting, get understanding.”

A few years ago someone tried to destroy my credibility. That told me that someone was trying to change other people’s perception of me for a reason. Something shady was going on. They needed to create a narrative, in order to distort people’s view of me, first. But why? When people do things like that there is usually some kind of monetary reward involved. Something of high value is at stake. I knew nothing of any sudden windfalls, lump sum of money, estate, property, trust, will or inheritance…so what what going on? I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

The first clue, I recalled someone paid my bill with a hot card but I didn’t notice it because I was going through a divorce. I, now understand thieves can go unnoticed by causing distractions. I’d assumed it was a card I no longer used. It wasn’t until I got a phone call from the cell service provider to cover the declined payment that I realized something shady. I paid it and went to the bank asking about this mysterious card. There was no account in my name with this card. Where did it come from? The teller told me to update my social security card and drivers license to my maiden name. She also stated, ” Someone had an account, same full maiden name, also a teacher there, too. That’s weird but since I hadn’t used my maiden name in 20 years, it was possible, right? Hmm.

Next clue, the very day that I went to get a car, someone with my full name had shown up there too. They came in to get a car, that same day but was denied the loan just hours before I had shown up. I literally heard the Car Salesperson say, Well it can’t be this person because she’s just getting off work. That has to be someone else, we’ve already pre-approved the loan and told her to come in. Coincidence? All I know, is my full maiden name was suddenly…everywhere, I frequented. Another clue came to me remembering when I’d went to get an oil change, the clerk said, “Wow, we have someone with your same name, that drives a Nissan, Sentra.” I said that isn’t me. I have never owned a Nissan, only a Navigator and Rover. Again, that’s strange because that’s now my bank, a car dealer and an auto shop, all saying the same thing, “Someone had my full name and career.” I don’t believe in coincidence, something was certainly wrong.

Now flash back to the bank and this mysterious card. It wasn’t mines. Who had access to my personal information and e-mail? School systems from previous employment and possibly a family member. No one else should have my credentials. The pre-approval for the car loan was sent to me via e-mail.. so was someone hacking my e-mail account? Nah, can’t be. But remember, Only Fools rush in. When did people pay bills for strangers? Now, it made sense…it was a clever set-up. I asked my cell service provider to notify me if there was ever any mysterious payments made to my account again. Especially, on-line because I don’t pay my cell payments online. In fact, I’d never set up an on-line account with my cell service, so who did? Who was pretending to make payments? Someone was trying to make me look like a criminal. But why….what was it they were really after?

A few months later, I get a notice thanking me for another mysterious bill payment. This time, someone used an electronic check and created an on-line account to pay it. I called and went off on my service provider. Why were they allowing people to make payments on other people’s account, without their knowledge? I had no idea what was going on but I was not going to keep covering, declined payments through fraud. I demanded that my cell provider shut this fraudulent, on-line account down immediately. I was pissed because I still had to cover half the fee. My cell company agreed to cover the other half because I had warned them months before with the first, unauthorized payment from a card I did not own. How was it happening again?

Thank God that notification came in. I happened to be home in bed when the notification came through. No way, was I out making payments because payday wasn’t until another week. But what if I hadn’t caught it? How would I later prove that it wasn’t me? Someone could easily go file a fraud investigation on me, claiming it was I, using hot checks but I had no idea who these people were. It’s harder to fight when you have so little to go on. Exactly, why these criminals were doing things this way. Why was the provider not catching all this fraudulent activity? I gave them a heads up, months before…What was going on? Someone was setting up, unsuspecting consumers. That’s not cool. Someone was maliciously trying to make it look like I was into fraud. Why? Again, Fools rush in. But Who wanted me in jail was all I could think of?

That’s just a taste of some of the foul ways, these malicious people, set-up people. Fools rush in to do other’s harm because they envy what someone else has. It can be your identity, job or business. Some stir up trouble, to distract you…then, steal your things and leave others holding the bag. Don’t be fooled. “What a man sows that and that alone, shall he reap.” The wicked don’t get it or listen to warnings, “Touch not my anointed, Do my prophets no harm.” These thieves were causing me major delays. There was something much more menacing going on here. But what?

I purposely made this article for my records, for proof of hacking, mail theft, illegal wire taps and surveillance along with other unscrupulous behavior going on for several years, that indicated some sort of set-up and fraud was occurring. Only a fool rushes in to plot against others. Many are nervous because they did not see this coming but I did. All of the events in this article, really happened to me word for word. I’m just now telling it. People that lack decision making skills do some foolish things. Stealing mail and intercepting communication isn’t wise.

Pay attention, someone near you could want a fresh start, off of your name and skills. Some plot together with others, forging documents and signatures…some will even pretend to be you. Others may switch around your last names, from different marriages, to confuse others. But it won’t work, they will get caught. Everything they’ve stolen from you, will be returned. You’ve lost absolutely nothing. They are just now realizing, “Every closed eye, ain’t sleep.”

“Fools rush in, where Angels tread lightly.” Some set traps for others, that they themselves will fall in. Guard your money, your heart and your name. Source will reveal all. When a thief wants a fresh start, they will do things to try to ruin you your reputation and your image because they’ve lived a lifestyle they are ashamed of. They literally want to become you and hate that you didn’t make poor decisions as they have with their lives. They don’t have money if every dime they have is stolen from others. That’s fool’s gold. No foreign or offshore account will be able to hide that truth.

Surround yourself with true achievers, people that focus on growth, Who are WHOLE, that actually Love themselves. People that manifest, not those out pretending, scamming, stealing and setting people up…they don’t love themselves. They are miserable and bitter until they heal. Depart from them. These kind of people are poor because of their lack mentality. Their mindset. Their perception is skewed, they actually believe hard work is stealing. It is actually the opposite. A lazy person steals, cons or scams to avoid working for what they want. Their sense of entitlement says what others have actually worked for, will & should be theirs. They plot and scheme. Avoid them, they won’t like you if you’re happy and winning in life anyway. Everything leads back to healing those childhood issues but The fool says in his heart, There is no God.”

Fools rush in because they really believe, they deserve and are entitled to you and what you have. As if, The Most High will be mocked. They’ll create chaos to distract you from what they’re really after…one or two things, being you or destroying you. They try to attack your credibility, trying to cause you to doubt yourself because they’re jealous and want to be you. It won’t work. Stop apologizing for your choices in life. You’ve overcome it all.

They are mad that their own choices prove who you are and who they are not…A very BIG difference.

You should feel honored. You get it. Self Love matters. You’ve finally healed. The people that truly love you, are so proud of you. They knew you could do it. Surround yourself with people like that. Don’t give up on you, ask the Divine for help…then, focus on healing. Now relax, nothing that happened was in vain. Mama didn’t raise a fool. You just had to learn to stop associating with them.”

Here’s a quote that I made up years ago for my facebook profile. It’s funny, how all these years later, I still live by it. You thought because I was silent, I was just like you...You were Wrong.”

Keep Shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Fools Rush In Read More »


Thirty years ago, I dreamed of things I had no idea what it meant. Today, I understand it all. I have no problem being the only person that likes something. How about y’all? People will talk all day, let them…Keep doing you. I take lemons and make lemonade. I tell those same people that talked smack about me, to kiss it where the sun dosen’t shine. Ain’t nothing stopping me. Slang.

The same people that talked about me while I was out doing my own thing, are all stuck in a box, all looking just like, “Cookie Cutters.” I stopped giving fakes, love. Once you’re restored there is no need to be mad or bitter. If they refuse to do their inner work, leave them alone. No matter the title, leave it alone. I took my heart back and doted on myself. Best decision ever. Sigh.

When people in life don’t appreciate your presence draw boundaries and give them your absence. Love yourself enough to walk away and shut that cycle down. I’ve had people (family) lie on me & say, “I must be doing something illegal, no it’s just called intelligence, nobility & hard work. I’m excellent with money and I’m 100% legit. I don’t scam, steal or engage in fraud or fraudulent people. I work hard legally for everything…and, I come up with a plan to get what I want, legally. Every dime that I make is legit but haters that can’t get the same results will lie on you quick. So you’ve got to watch them. They are usually the first ones to create rumors and spread lies. I cut ’em off and keep it pushing. I don’t explain sh*t. I don’t care what envious people think about me. They can all kiss my *ss . Make no time for those slandering you. Eventually all will realize, they were lying on you out of pure envy. Explain nothing. Whomever believes them and never asked you, isn’t worthy of your time either.

 “Hit dogs holler the loudest.” But, oh well. Once you’ve earnestly tried to communicate in order to resolve an issue but can not…leave it alone. If no solution is being offered, shut it down or it will distract you, by depleting your energy. Don’t engage any further. Bump them. Move forward.

I have learned to accept all cycles, enjoying the good ones as much as the difficult ones. The cycles are one and the same, different but really alike. It’s still all good. It’s like Jonae Monae says, “Even back then, with the tears in my eyes, I always knew I was the sh*t. You’ve got to know who you are, with or without. Who are you? Money can’t buy Integrity and Character, you either have it or you don’t. Who cares what people have to say? It doesn’t hold as much weight as you think. Stop giving people that can’t last a day wearing your shoes, power over you. What they think doesn’t matter. It’s only what you think that matters. Can you face you in the mirror? Have you sold your soul? If not, kick back and relax, everything is going just as it should. Remember, they’re all watching you. It’s not vice versa. Wink.

The oldest, “Azzy” chilling at home. Triddy Kat. cycles. got this built and was a beautiful experience. Nothing from fraud, stealing or coveting. Just honest, legal hard work…so when folks did me dirty, many rejoiced & offered me no help cause they were the ones plotting or jealous..(over a damn house or a car or a marriage) you’d be surprised what stirs envy in those around you, still can’t let that stop you from being you.

Sometimes, I show proof of things I’ve endured, just to shut up, a nay sayer. The cover picture is of my first home that I had built…I literally went to the design center and picked out everything, not bad huh? This was almost 20 years ago. It was so freaking cool. This is the first home I ever owned, it represented a good cycle. The bad was this was during the collapse of the housing market. Most ordinary people, got suckered with adjustable rate mortgages, so I said,“Oh well.” I was forced to adapt and embrace change. The next cycle was here…and there was nothing, I could do about it because I refused to do the work. I refused to look at and see what the Universe was showing me. I was surrounded by people (family, lovers & friends) that did not have my best interest at heart. I continued to ignore the truth until it came in and shut it all down. The truth dog walks you, if you keep ignoring it. The truth came in whether I liked it or not. Shedding light that I had trusted some very foul people. Now, I pay people playing games, no mind.

Tangible evidence bothers nay sayers. It kills them when “Your Truth” (proof) contradicts their lies. Just SMILE at them cause it will all speak volumes for itself. Recognize, life is nothing but cycles, we have to embrace it all. Master the cycles, figure out how to ride the waves. You will be up and you will be down. Learn to expect it. Ride the wave until you get back on the up swing. That’s life. Fulfill your destiny no matter what. I expect happy times, just as much as I expect difficult times too. Expect and accept both. Source hasn’t let me down, yet. I know now, it’s always about expansion, so I endure. The cycles showed me who was truly on my team and who was not. What a difference, knowing the truth has made. It cleared paths to move forward without the baggage. It’s all good. I laugh and love. I’ve learned to love those that are toxic from a distance.

Lots of painting at home was done ourselves…we couldn’t afford decorators. Hell, I was the decorator..I used mostly earth tones Triddy Kat, this was home, cycles. We paid nothing for this house guys, not even 250K..(Teachers) A corner lot, golf course, tennis & pool, community. Can you still be you, when the people around you take it all from you, out of pure jealousy? Told y’all I’ve been through hell, caused by those who were supposed to have my back. Not strangers. How’s that for cycles, life lessons?

Let haters, hate. That’s their job. Your job is to take all of that negative energy thrown at you …and transform it, alchemically. Do you truly know who you are? If you did, you’d stop looking at distractions and learn more about YOU. The negative energy sent at you is to transmute. So what. Stop crying and transform. “Be ye renewed and transform by renewing your mind. Stop complaining and go do the work on yourself. When you’re healed you stop giving a damn about a fool you’ve encountered. A lot of people don’t understand scriptures because they aren’t seeking the Creator, wholeheartedly.Seek ye first the kingdom of God…that’s the key to life..Source. The word will not come back void. Resist thinking we can fully, live our lives, without Source. 

Change the way you think. As a man thinketh, so is He.” Your thinking can hinder you. Your mindset could be all wrong but nothing is being done about it. If you don’t like your results in life, what are you doing about it? Please know that no-one is coming to save you. That’s a fairy tale… You are to save you. Pray, meditate, then get up and go do whatever it is, the Creator places in your heart, to do, to change your life. Life will throw us, unexpected curve balls, that’s okay too because it’s the Game of Life…adapt. We all will face starting over at different times in our lives. Go with the flow. That’s evolution, it’s all about adapting. Stop whining and get about your business. Do what you can, with what you have. That’s how you implement the practical and it works. Do your inner work and heal. Changing your mind, can and will change your Life.” It’s just that simple. Be glad that you didn’t get everything that you’ve prayed for, it would’ve killed you. 

Picked out the paint colors (DIY) found the perfect furniture, pictures & got that floral made…got busy, not bad for a novice huh? Triddy Kat, this was home ..cycles. Be mindful, having nice things stirs envy in those around you that don’t. I learned the hard way…that’s why I say cut jealous family/fake friends off. This was from pure hard work & intelligence & I’m excellent with money!

I’ve lost it all and started over, again and again and I still believe and say, That’s life. I avoid and stay away from people that try to make me think: Change is a bad thing because I know that it’s not. It’s inevitable and the very essence of Source. Step outside the box. I do me, unapologetically. There is nothing personal about life, it just is. Stop stressing over what was, it is, what it is now, accept it. Change your perspective. Faulty foundations come down. Be glad that they do. Source’s rejection was certainly the only way to protect you at the time because you could not see beyond the veil . Believe in Love, it’s the only thing real… it doesn’t make you a sucker.  The cover picture of this article-that’s my oldest posing in front of our house, before the down swing…Life happens to us, all, people… get over it!

Keep shining. 

~ Triddy Kat 💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Cycles Read More »

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The movie “Harriet” reminds all of the plight of mankind through out history of living beings, believing that it was a god given right to enslave other, living beings. Ethnicity, class or gender seems to be enough of a needed excuse of many misguided fools believing themselves to have superiority over other human beings…bringing me to my point today.

The Fugitive Slave Act, revised in 1850 (enacted upon Congress, in 1793)… the first Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, authorized local governments to seize and return escapees to their owners, adding penalties to those who helped them flee.

I likened The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 to what the current laws in Domestic Violence are today. Men are victims too, but it’s usually women and children needing protection from current or former boyfriends, partners, lovers or spouses, acting like slave masters, believing they own women and their offspring. Turn on the nightly news, see the gross numbers of Women and Children, murdered at the hands of a current or former boyfriend, partner, lover or spouse. Most believe(d), ownership over the female and her offspring, just as slave masters did during slavery. Please tell me, what’s different in either of the two? Read the article, “Her Womb” click link here, Her Womb

Entering a relationship or marriage, grants no man (or woman) ownership of another human being. Yet, many look the other way when the atrocities, of these modern day slave holders make the evening news. The local news, through out the nation, provide data about these unchallenged, modern day slave holders amongst us. Statistics show the numbers in domestic violence are steadily increasing..Why are the activists for these victims (mainly women and children) going unheard or silenced, since the numbers continue to rise? The Divine Feminine must be silent no more. Read the article, “The Divine Feminine” click link here, “The Divine Feminine” Her voice resonates in Truth…to set the captives (enslaved) free. Her words are sharper than any two-edged sword. She is God, Goddess and Self. The Trinity. She is Whole, nothing missing and nothing lacking. She is complete and balanced. Read the article, “Balance” click link here, Balance

And… What exactly grants a person the belief that one has acquired a slave and offspring to abuse, at will, during and even, after a relationship? Therefore, I liken it to modern day slave holders and the enslaved. One thing, I’ve noticed is the imbalance in consequences and the value placed on each gender’s life…and biased laws. For example, a woman can be put to death for murdering her abuser yet, the abuser usually serves less than a decade, for murdering the abused and her offspring.

Why haven’t these outdated laws changed? Have the numbers and murders lessened? Modern laws are offer no real refuge from modern day slave holders, hunting down the enslaved, just as slave holders did runaway slaves, with the Fugitive Slave Act. Victims of domestic violence also suffer a terrible fate, should they survive and leave their abuser. These Modern-day Slave Holders continue to pursue, hunt and terrorize them, well after the break-up, separation or divorce. Using narcissistic tactics like: emotional, mental, sexual, financial abuse, smear campaigns, often resorting to physical violence against themeven murder.

Once the relationship or marriage comes to an end, why is the abuse still on-going? Even slaves could be brought or purchased out of slavery, right? Why is the end for these victims one that is founded in death? These victims (mostly women) enter a relationship under false pretenses, unbeknownst to them because they’re immediately viewed as the property of the abuser. Which is why the abuser can so easily end the life of those, they’ve enslaved…rather than, releasing them. Why hasn’t the law stepped in to stop these modern slave holders from pursuing locally or from state to state, etc.?

History proves that mankind always tries to dominate and rule over others, especially those believed to be weaker or inferior likening them to personal property. Note that I say, believed to be weaker or inferiority. All human beings know that it is Source that grants every man his/her freedom and no person has ownership over another. Yet, the scary thing is, today, in the year of 2023, the modern day enslaved are still mostly women and children…and, still the modern day slave holders or enslavers hide under new categories labeled as: Domestic Violence, Sex Trafficking and sadly, even Marriage, typically liberation results in the death of the enslaved. Read the article, “Death, Not Today” click link here, Death, Not Today

The newly enslaved, prove time and time again, that they are indeed in need of protection by new, harsher laws…from humans, who behave as “Modern” Slave holders, with wretched and wicked plans, stored in the depths of their cold-hearts for the enslaved. So from whence, will their abolishment to Slavery come? Although, there is no Fugitive Slave Act in place in the year of 2023, there’s an eerily reminiscent stench of the Institution of Slavery amongst us, again, being openly overlooked by the Public’s seemingly lack of interest or utter embarrassment in protecting the vulnerable in society from predator mates, partners, lovers or spouses.

Why are the lives of women and children valued so low in our modern day society? As much progress that has been made in the modern world, there is still way too much left in stagnancy or flat out ignored when it comes to saving women and children from Crimes against Humanity…making no damn sense at all to me. Therefore; I implore you to ask yourselves, WHY IS THAT?

We’ve got to do better because Change can and must start with us because indeed, All are One. Read the article, “Change” click link here, Updated 1/24/23

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at and


Enslaved Read More »

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Every time, I hear the song, “Why you so obsessed with me?” by Mariah Carey, I think “Oh my gosh fellas, please don’t let this be you”… and if it is you, make it a point to stop this behavior, the moment you finish reading this. 

I don’t know who y’all are talking to but most women go after men for security first and whenever a man stalks us, he’s automatically red-flagged and considered a threat to our safety. Unbeknownst to him, thereby removing himself, off the list of candidates or one who can provide security.

He quickly gets dropped from the “fine as hell list” and placed on the top of our “one crazy nut” list. A cock blocker. Read the article, “Cock Blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER

Ok, let me give you an example, I was deeply attracted to someone but because of his controlling possessiveness after the break-up, I decided to cut my losses and never view him as a viable option again. Why? He lacked Self-Control over knowing how to regulate his emotions. That to me, is a red flag. That person comes off as unstable and unsafe. No way do I ever want a relationship with someone that lacks Self-Mastery… because it will turn into a toxic lesson.

He quickly went from someone that I cared about, to someone I prayed would stay away from me. Why, because he became too unpredictable in a very negative sense. He never moved on and he refused to release grudges. Read the article, “Release” click link here, Release I cut off my girls who move this way, also…For me, that tells me there is something extremely dark in them, it’s sadistic.. people that take pride in simply dogging people or deceiving them with revenge, are a turn off…in any area of your life. 

Anyway, back to this fellas, you guys can’t harass an ex, stalk her, talk crap about her to others & purposely usher in chaos, then , wonder why she leaves your messages on “unread” or never calls you back. If you continue to manifest negative experiences for her. You’ve now become the guy she associates turmoil and pain with …and, that’s the last thing you’d want a woman, whom you want back in your life, to view you as.

Now, she’s thinking: He might be nuts and she’ll decide to move away from you, literally but silently. In her mind, you’ve lost it and your sense of self. No bueno. 

Trust me on this, she won’t run to you for help because you’ve done an excellent job on showing her that you’re a very emotionally “unstable” person…That’s way too creepy to us. Remember, we usually run from creeps in horror films, get it? 

Most women don’t care for, the ex that didn’t understand it was over, when it was over but decided to cause her problems…Hello? Who do you know that gets turned on by the person that bullied them? A person refusing to accept a relationship is over is a bully…because they’re now trying to make” or “force” you to stay in a relationship with them.

Gentlemen, you’re delusional if you think creating havoc, will make an ex want you back. ..if your ex is a woman, it tells us that you’re mentally unstable and we want nothing to do with a man or woman, that makes us question his/her sanity. He/she is not safe to be around.

Please note, that I mostly say men but if you’re a woman pulling these tactics, he’s running from your weirdo butt too… because “Crazy is crazy” …it’s not gender specific. Don’t do it.

Who really wants to be stuck with an obsessed person? I don’t want to be your god. That’s fantasy based. Give me real, real humans have flaws, work on it and we’re good.

That person in the fantasy, doesn’t want real and is considered a ticking time bomb… we start to loathe being near him because he’s become too unpredictable, which means being around him is a safety hazard. 

Now, you’ve become a high-risk we’re just not willing to take…we will now do, all we can to avoid interacting with someone that acts like you. You’re becoming that scary dude.

Whatever it is that attracted us to you in the beginning, is being overshadowed by your negative behavior now…Do you see where I’m going with this? You’re losing her because of you. She may have considered giving you another chance but you went too far, afterwards.

You never want to make someone regret ever dealing with you. They will become embarrassed for allowing you into their personal space…making them question their judgement…on how did you get over pretending to be normal and you’re not?

What do you do with bad memories…? You try to block them out, right? So, ask yourself, if how you’re acting now, gives someone a bad taste in their mouth…creating nothing but bad memories of you. Would you, date someone acting like you?

Some people actually think if they cause their ex stress or havoc, it will make her want to come running back to them …wrong! Once we discover it’s them behind the nonsense, we’ll decide to forever drop them like a bad habit. 

You’ve just become a nightmare experience that requires no more of our time or emotions.

If you’re guilty of acting like this, this is why your ex doesn’t speak or interact with you…you’re behaving too vindictive, petty or childish. 

It’s a turn off and now your behavior is making her look to someone else, other than you because she thinks, “I never knew this guy, look at what he’s become.” 

Those doing this need to stop it NOW, I mean Asap!!! Because it’s you, you’re chasing & scaring off the person, you’ve claimed to love. How’s that working for you?

Pull back, let her know you still care but be easy. Think on the things you’ve done to get her in the beginning, that’s where the answer to your problem lies, in that loving courtship but don’t force it. Forcefulness, especially on a guy guilty of hurting us, spells nothing but a “lunatic” to us. How can you hurt us, then expect us to want to be with you? That’s what got us hurt..being withYOU.

Fall back some, let her digest her feelings and gently approach but now, you know to move slow cause you’ve likely mucked it all up. That takes time but if you can sincerely show her that you still care… and that you were only weak but you see and recognize the error in your ways…she will start to miss that part of you that she fell for, in the very beginning. Not this mad man (you’ve temporarily become) waiting in the darkest shadows for her…hell, wouldn’t you run from that? 

I know women do this too but it’s much more men, then women, that believe women are property …so they mess up becoming possessive with and over her. You don’t own her, you were to love her…that paradigm of being entitled and ownership of a woman, is guaranteed, to scare, the one you love off, for good.

It’s all in your approach. I’ve been through it all & I promise you, it was their sense of entitlement to me that turned me off one owns me, I allowed you in, to share a life of love with me, not to find an owner…as if I’m property or a pet. You’ve tried to diminish my value and light, by trying to own me…be open, honest, caring and loving or get the hell out of my way. I don’t want what you’re offering because it’s bondage and slavery to be involved with someone, that thinks like you. You can keep your bs offer. I don’t want or need it.

A possessive man treats his woman as his slave and will lose her because of his out-dated thinking.” Read the article, “Enslaved” click link here, Enslaved

Hopefully, some of you fellas will reconsider your approach…that approach could be all wrong and that’s why she won’t even pick up her phone, to hear you out. You’re too arrogant to see it’s a turn off. Dude, look at how you’re out here a damn fool. Who wants that? Would you date you? Hell no you wouldn’t.

You could be coming off to her as nothing more than a brute now, you think? 

Hey, I’m only trying to help y’all out… sharing what I know worked with me and what didn’t. Any man that refused to be easy. I wanted nothing to do with him anymore because he came off as a narcissist to me because he refused to respect my boundaries. I’m not into men that think they own or possess women. Men that think or believe women are objects, can usually be classified as serial killers. Please, don’t do it fellas. Updated 1/24/23

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow

Visit me at and


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Artist are admired because of their ability to create their unique spin on things …T Pain didn’t ruin real singers or music anymore than Zapp & Roger did with their hood classic, “Computer Love.” 

Usher gave his opinion, no one can call it wrong/ right because it’s his opinion. If that’s how he felt, what’s wrong with him expressing that with T Pain? They’re adults in the same line of work, surely they can speak on what they think on one another’s work…Right?

Now, the way T Pain took that criticism was more about himself ….& likely from the building pressure from the public, along with people in and outside of the industry “constantly” hating or commenting on his “success” with using the Auto Tune.

T Pain can actually sing, so “real” singers can’t talk smack about him because he’s a “real singer” too…it gave him an edge, that separated his art from the rest…

Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about in a highly competitive field..the establishing of one’s unique sound?

If so, then there was absolutely nothing wrong with T Pain finding tremendous success with using the Auto Tune because he’s an artist that is expected to sound different.

It appears to me that he’s mastered it or I wouldn’t be writing about him today.

Maybe, Usher was unaware on how influential he was considered to be, by T Pain. Cut him some slack, we all forget how powerful we are.

T Pain didn’t ruin it for real singers with the Auto Tune, anymore than Usher set out to purposely cause or trigger T Pain’s battle with depression. No one truly knows what another person is silently dealing with, unless he or the says something about it.

I don’t think Usher was trying to be malicious, more than simply expressing his frustration with what it felt and looked like to him, on his end. He forgot the power of his words/ influence over someone (T Pain) that considered him to be a friend…and a competitor.

T Pain should’ve let Usher know that his opinion of his work caused him to doubt himself because he valued criticism coming from his peer, a fellow artist… and a very successful singer in the game. 

How can fans of either artist even consider to “cancel” either one…? 

See now, that’s that “foolishness” I warn people to take no parts of. Opinions don’t mean we cancel people, folks…this mess is getting out of control …let people have their own opinion. It’s absolutely needed and what makes us so unique.

Cool it on this divisive, cancel culture, that mess can/will quickly turn on you.

It’s my favorite time of the year people…Y’all ain’t about to mess it up for me. I’m enjoying this Sunshine no matter what.

How about we all drink a little lemonade, in the shade ..and just Relax!

Keep shining.

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~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow

Visit me at and


Tune Read More »

brain, think, communication


My favorite time of year is here …yes! I love the Summer, it’s likely because I’m a Summer baby. Who knows what it is…

The Sun (Ra) draws me near like a magnet and of course, being magnetic helps. Wink.

Hey, I’m like the rest, patiently awaiting a day out of time…Some have tried to block my light, forgetting it’s impossible to block out the SUN…only triggering an awakening in thee. Thank them, for taking the time to teach you and awaken you. Read the article, “Awakening” click link here,

I AM backed by Ancestors and Ascending Masters, who have warned all that none have spiritual clearance, rank or authority to further disturb me. Allow no one to block your blessings. Read the article, “Blessed” click link here,

An Educator by profession. Therefore; understanding that isolation is required of any true, Teresla. Thanking my foes for the vacation…it was so needed. Smile.

Ra reminded me daily, that I must unify in order to enchant …and that, I, being guided by my own power, doubled.. is key. So I powered up and left my enemies in the dust. I blew past ’em all…smoked ’em. Lmao Never count the underdog out…they gain Favor of the Most High. Read the article, “Underdog” click link here,

So I grounded myself and looked forward to the Solstice, marking the beginning of my favorite season. It’s Summer time, summer babies…That’s when we all kick back, throw off our shoes, let our hair down and let the good times roll. Stay in the Light!!

Isn’t it such a treat have so much Sun shining upon us? I absolutely love it…and can’t help but to see it, as a gift. Solstice Blessings. Read the article, “The Gift” click link here, The Gift

I’m feeling a “Katrina and The Waves” moment coming over me right about now… (and what a beautiful melody to honor, Ra)…

“I’m walking on Sunshine… and don’t it feel good?” Read the article, “Sunshine” click link here,

Yes, it does! Read the article, “Katrina” click link here,

As for the rest of us coming out of the Pandemic restrictions…Let’s go!

Get outside and enjoy the Sun! No matter what folks, we survived it all…It’s a good life because nothing will ever stop the Sun from shining…Ra will see to it. Wink. Read, “Can’t Stop the Sun” click link here, Can’t Stop the SUN Updated 2/14/23

Keep shining.

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~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow

Visit me at and


Summer Read More »