justice, right, case-law


Get Ready, the “scales” of JUSTICE shall be balanced. The Sword of truth is sharp and piercing.

Source watched it all go down, how your enemies gathered and plotted against you, taking your kindness for weakness…and lying on you to anyone that would listen.

Someone should’ve told the trolls while they were busy stealing, plotting, gang-stalking & lying on you…they were only setting up traps for themselves! You were used as bait. The Divine has a plan none saw coming. Wink.

Rejoice, the Divine stepped in to free you out of their spider’s web of deceit, Web Weaver. You’re not stuck or trapped, this experience was needed to complete the karmic cycle. Paying off karmic debt. Decide now to permanently get off the merry-go-round of Karma, seeing that your “programming” from childhood was what has lead you here. It’s no longer good for you. Change this pattern of toxicity. Choose Life…put a end to accepting the foolishness and fools. Read the article, “Completion” click link here, Completion

Severe karmic ties. Break ups and divorce are never easy but all you will need to do after that is to heal. I’ve been there guys. I literally walked away from it all because my enemies, were being helped by my family, (I won’t say which family, having more than one, as an adoptee with in- laws too) friends, co-workers and exes. They literally stole everything, I worked for and then, turned around and lied on me, telling all..I was the thief. Talk about devastated. They stole my identity. They plagiarized all of my work, paid people to come in to my life to purposely betray me and stole this very website: “Triddykatsmeow.com” which lead me to go create another website: “Triddykat.com” They made money off of my work. Slandered me by spreading horrible rumors, etc. They called me everything but a child of God. Guess what, I ignored them all and stayed focused only on my healing. Truth endures.

Spirit showed me, that if I focused on my healing of codependency of people, the Divine would avenge me. I was so broken and stripped of even my reputation as a hard worker, while they all sat back and laughed. I finally surrendered. How does one bounce back when all the people you love, betray you? You turn to the Divine. I asked the Universe to help me because my enemies were crucifying me without cause. The Universe heard my calling out for justice and used everything in my daily life to send me answers.

The painful experience of being set up by my hidden enemies lead me on the journey to work on my Self Love. Read the article, “The Set Up” click link here, The Set up It was caused by the very people that were supposed to protect, love and support me. I cried about it for a very long time because the betrayal by so many people so close to me hurt like hell until I healed. Please. Now they can all kick rocks for life. A bunch of clowns. Now, I don’t waste my energy on the Goof Troops. Smile. Why waste time with people who do nothing but hate on you? That’s their job. Keep right on doing you. That mess doesn’t matter Boo. I refuse to break bread with snakes. They were only the footstool. See it that way, dust your shoulders off and just wave and smile. Stop taking clowns and their behavior personal. Its developed you, keep it pushing.

I now understand that experience was not to hurt me more than it was Spirit using it to show me that I needed to develop self love and see the snakes surrounding me. Once, I finally healed I would be restored but I had to heal first. Never lose sleep over it again. Move right on with your life. Be happy Source revealed the truth to you. Now rejoice about your restoration. Read the article, “Restoration” click link here, https://triddykat.com/restoration

I answered the call because y’all are reading this now on that very site that was stolen from me, by those I had love for. I followed every step of Divine Instruction and quietly got it back. Now, I share my experience with all who need help, surviving this level of betrayal and deception, gaining their lives back again. It hurts for now but trust me, it does and will get better. BUT…You must do the work. You need to heal those wounds, so those that deceived you, can’t come back and trauma bond. I cut deceptive people out of my life and move forward. I don’t look back and make cuts as necessary. I don’t involve myself in their lives and I keep them far away from mine. Who needs that mess that comes along with associating with haters? Tell ’em: “You gets no love.” Harbor no resentment folks, just press forward and be about your business. Leaving the past in the past…where it belongs.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. You will become strong again and will realize your experience wasn’t just about you…it was alway about your ascension. All of those people were there for a reason. Some were assigned to try to stop destiny by traumatizing you. Please be mindful. Regardless, all have played their part perfectly. Source used it to cause your awakening. Stay out of relationships with those who need to heal or you will repeat the cycle with them again, times ten. That’s another tough love lesson in self-love. The lesson becomes more painful until you get it. Love yourself enough to set strong boundaries. Your self love won’t allow you to have weak boundaries, placing yourself in painful situations again. Self Love reminds you that only the “healed” can enter. The Heart must be pure.

Don’t forget to tell your enemies, “Thank you!” Their deceptive energy was needed to teach you a mighty lesson in “SELF LOVE.” You needed to heal your heart. You have lost absolutely nothing. They were a part of the Divine’s plan to wake you up. Once you heal, you won’t even care about all you’ve been through because you’ve finally healed. You will even forgive those that were used to break your heart (that doesn’t mean you are to take them back in to your life again) but now, you understand it was all to get you to see how much you walked in lack and needed to heal, to love your self more…Nothing was in vain. The Creator is purposeful. It has all served a purpose in developing integrity, strength and character in you…and most of all, in you learning to trust in your own intuition. Read the article, “Divine Interaction” click link here, Divine Interaction

Let go of the past. Smile Baby. None of it matters anymore. Who cares who did what? Be done with that foolishness, it was used to distract you from fulfilling your destiny. No more. If you’re done with it, be done with it. Go forward boldly. Focus now on your healing and it will change your reality. Sure, you will feel scared but do it scared anyway. I did…& It’s SOOO WORTH IT!

All shall be restored unto you, just sit back and watch! Relax. You can absolutely trust yourself and Source. Wink.

The “Word” shall not come back void.

Updated 1/22/23

Keep shining.

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~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at https://triddykat.com and https://triddykatsmeow.com