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When a Cycle is closed, it’s over. Please don’t let anyone pull you back in, again. Hear me, when I tell you this guys, “Stay out of the cycle.” Read the article,”10:10:10″ click here, 10:10:10 It was supposed to close out and when it does…walk away with your dignity. Bump the ‘tit for tat’ that’s foolish, designed to pull you back in again. Just walk away. Once, it is over, let It stay over. I promise you, those still stuck in the old cycle, will keep returning to you but it’s only to keep you stagnate. It’s just a test. To see if you’re ready to move forward. You are to heal and let go. Read the article, “Testing” by clicking here,

One heals best out of the cycle. Every single time I went back, I stopped my own progress on everything. It was like I’d hit a pause button on life…God was looking out for me like, “Wait, she needs to learn this first.” Then, I’d go right back to stagnancy. Source wanted me to learn to heal and stay out of the cycle. Not heal and go back in. BUT, I’d go right back again and again…and BOOM here came the bs, all over again. It was a trap to keep me from moving forward in life. People that are afraid to do the work and heal, keep you stuck. But they aren’t responsible for you, you’re responsible for you, only. 

Elders use to say, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” In the hood, we say, “Just leave sh*t alone.” If you don’t let things go or you continue to hold that grudge. Get ready for a painful life lesson, to help teach you, why you’re to let it go. Source will also allow it to teach you why it is important to close out cycles. Read the article, “Cycles” clicking link here, Cycles No one has the right to play God in another person’s life…that’s a trap of the ego. Don’t do it. Always trust your gut feeling about something or someone. Whenever, I listened to other people instead of myself…I got my *ss handed to me. The people were shady and always had some bs up their sleeve…Guess what? I would finally see what Source tried to warn me about and I would leave, like a dog with its tail tucked. Source would use the experience, to show me that I needed to heal.

I swear y’all, it was like Source said, “Ok, I will let this situation teach you a lesson because you don’t want to listen to your Higher Self.” That’s usually Spirit warning you but loving you enough, to let you go the way you choose. Free will is expensive. Anytime someone is trying to force you to go, against your will on anything, they have just stepped out side of love. Be careful. Anything outside of Love, can be very dangerous. Why? Because Love is the only thing real. Until a lesson is learned, it will be repeated. I know because I’ve done it too. I’ve paid for my wisdom. It is truly earned.  

Trust Spirit. Some have bad intentions and that’s why they return. That is not love, it’s to pull you back in the cycle. How about you be kind but smart, by not going back in again and just close things out. It’s best to do it in Peace. No going into drama or confusion again, stay out of it and just move forward. I’ve done this a whole lot too and had to walk away with tears in my eyes, plenty of times. Yet, it still doesn’t matter, I’ve learned to trust Source.

If someone refuses to be decent acting with you, leave it there. That’s to keep you stuck and stagnate with them. Say no more about it and go right on with your life. Spirit doesn’t want that for you, ever. Some refuse to heal and do the work. That’s a sign you’re to stay away. Love them from afar but stay away. That’s a trap designed by your enemies to pull you in again. Hell no, refuse to play the game, by staying out of it. Source will deal with them and their foolish ways. They will come back around to take you off your path. Only you can determine, if they will be successful or not. 

Place your trust in yourself and Source, (you won’t go wrong). Spirit always wants what best for you. God will hold back no good thing from you. But you’ve got to do the work on you and change your trifling *ss ways. Y’all know better, we can’t cheat Spirit. Smile.

 Love is the only thing real. 

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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Note Both websites, 1TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.