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Proof In The Pudding

This mission is not an easy one but it frees all. Divine Feminines (DF) are going up against a principality that believes the Divine Feminine energy is nothing more than supply for narcissistic abuse. DF must pull her energy back from anything displaying low vibrational behavior. Do not try to reason with it or try to explain or prove your point, it’s not necessary .. simply pull your energy back because you engaging with it, is how it feeds off your energy. They are members of a Jezebel Clan, nothing sacred about them. Read the article, “Jezebel Clan” click link here, Jezebel Clan

I remember a time engaging with a covert narcissist, the entity was fueled by getting an emotional reaction from me, especially when it has purposely set up interactions that will likely lead into explosive arguments. Laughing and playing around while I was pissed for the blatant disregard of my time, not to mention the many lies told to and on me…until I recognized, that type of behavior is to solicit a response from me because the entity is an attention whore and a cock blocker. Read the article,”Cock blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER

As soon as I noticed the entity’s behavior, I immediately shut the conversation down.. why? Because it wasn’t looking for clarity and had no intentions of giving me any clarity. The entity’s goal is only to enrage and provoke you, antagonistically, inviting you to engage you in low vibrational behavior with it. It needs to feed off you, especially if you are of a high vibration…it will do anything to get your emotional response. That is its supply, so shut it down. Detach. Pull your energy back from them. Move forward.

I literally pretended it was no longer there and never acknowledged its presence again. The Divine has equipped us to bring down this principality in our lives. Train yourself to work on cutting off its source… your emotional response and low vibrational behavior. That’s what I did, bump being someone who is unworthy, wifey material. Read the article, “Wifey Material” click link here, WiFEY MATERIAL
That’s how all, especially DF’s, take back our power…by refusing to engage in low vibrational behavior…Of course, no one is perfect but always work on yourself..taking one step and day, at a time. End the toxic cycles the correct way with you conducting yourselves, honorably. No more tit for tat with it, just cut it off from its supply source.

The entity creates and causes confusion in simple matters because chaos is the perfect environment to stir up emotional responses in others. The DF job is not to engage. Her trusting what Spirit has shown her gives her an eagle’s eye view of the dynamics playing out. If you slip up, don’t worry…just start right there, in that moment, as soon as you remember what’s going on…detach yourself from it.

The DF trust and follows her intuition only because the entity is also a liar, so it lies about everything, known as gaslighting. When the cycle is over, never allow let the negative energy to pull your energy back in. It’s spiteful, envious and vengeful. It will be a set-up. Read the article, “Panda” click link here, Leave it alone. I took an ex back, he was working with jealous friends and envious family members behind my back to set me up. Read the article, “The Set Up” click link here, The Set up He brought nothing but drama and confusion, lying all the time about everything because he couldn’t handle rejection. I wanted nothing else to do with him or the people that worked along with him to set me up…I shut that toxic cycle down. All were engaging in a low vibrational lifestyle behind my back but smiling in my face. I knew better. I trusted my intuition about them. The jezebel clan behavior wasn’t for me. Read the article, “Jezebel Clan” click link here, Jezebel Clan

Make room for positive energy only. Align with those who prefer healing and helping themselves.

The entity will want to keep the cycle from ending because it knows judgement awaits it. I had exes refusing to shut down a union, although, I had no parts in it anymore. They were cock blockers, trying to make other men think I was still with them. When that didn’t work they turned to spreading lies. Notice the pattern here?…it’s always based in drama, confusion, deception and slander? Always keeping up illusions because they don’t walk in truth. I could care less, I knew they were toxic so I shut that door on all of it. Read the article, “Cock Blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER The DF sets boundaries and walks away, shuts down and closes toxic cycles. She knows not to leave doors open for the enemy. Read the article “Cycles” click link here, Cycles and read the article,”Closed” click link here, Closed

The Great Conjunction (Dec.21, 2020) was to awaken humanity to “The Age of Aquarius”…and that there is healing available for us, all, the Collective. To look beyond the veil of illusions.

Do not focus on the entity, it’s nothing more than a spirit of distraction. Realize it slanders, lies, cheats, steals and much worse. Never trust it. Recognize it’s there only to get you off track, sent by darker forces to keep you from shining your light on to others. Her behavior matters, giving solid proof of who, She truly is. Many, try to deceive others by pretending to be a DF but one can easily spot the fraud. What type of fruit is she bearing? Trees are known by its fruit. Read the article, “Trees” click link here, Trees She’s loud, obnoxious, embarrassing others out in public, etc… you know that’s someone that has not mastered herself yet. She’s juggling men, stealing, lying and cheating…involved in nothing but confusion and drama. That’s not a DF. She’s not ready. She has not grown up emotionally yet. The proof will always be in the pudding. Period.

Her lifestyle will show what she truly is, not only in private but in public too. Her lifestyle is the proof in the pudding. One can’t fake being Divine. The mask will slip eventually and folks will see, the truth. Divine Feminines aren’t typical because She must master herself and Self LOVE, first. I don’t care how old she is ..she isn’t a Divine Feminine until she’s done the work on herself. There is no short cuts. One can fool men but none can cheat Spirit. For the record, only a low- vibrational woman with dark entities attached to her, would ever engage in setting people up. Period. What about her is DIVINE? Come on now people, y’all know better…She’s 100% Fugazi. Read the article, “Fugazi” click link here,

DF tremendously improves the lives of those she engages with because she’s a healer, her energy signature proves it…which is why her light bothers all under demonic possession. These are the ones that want to exploit and destroy her but Divine protection won’t allow it. However, those hoping to stop her, call forth their own judgement and karma. She changes lives and most are left in a much better state, than what she first encountered them in. That’s some of the undeniable 100% proof/evidence of the Call & Anointing on the Divine Feminine’s life. Read the article, “The Divine Feminine” click link here, “The Divine Feminine”

She does not engage in dark arts, illusions, deceit, theft, envy, malice or adultery. She knows it brings forth her own destruction. Therefore; She’s wise. She’s not perfect but she works on improving herself, always. Prioritizing, investing in her own mental wellness because she’s evolved. A woman of Valor that has learned to leave dishonorable people and behavior alone. Read the article, “Woman” click link here,

She can be trusted. She’s enduring, patient, supportive, encouraging and ignites healing in others, sharing wisdom… putting those still in darkness, on to positive paths in life. She encourages transformation and inspires others to take that journey within, themselves. She has fully embraced her duality, knowing it’s what makes her whole. She is the proof in the pudding. Her actions alone, shows others what “Love, Honor, Character & Integrity” actually look like.

Her life is a living testament that LIGHT will always overcome Darkness because “LOVE” is truly the strongest Force in the Universe.  Updated 2/21/23

Keep shining.

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~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow

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