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For the Streets

Recalling having the mindset of a toxic woman. I actually believed, a man willing, to leave the woman, he was currently with, for me, was a victory over his woman. I thought, I had won a trophy. It was a trophy alright, to a ride on the bus of Karma and BS. Healing, I know better now. If he’s willing to give me a shot or leave her, to be with me, that is a straight red flag. It indicates ONE thing, I am toxic as hell and that I lack self-love. Why else would I purposely want to cause another woman to suffer? I saw that I needed to re-evaluate my way of doing things…What is it in me, that thinks being poisonous to others is cute? I was for the streets and didn’t even know it. I was completely oblivious, blind.

The term, “For the streets” is slang, for toxic, dysfunctional behavior, widely accepted by toxic, dysfunctional people. This isn’t a race or status thing either, it’s a low vibrational thing. When one can’t see beyond their pain, they lack empathy for others. They’re in low vibrational energy. They’re not to be trusted people. Now, I understand how I could inflict suffering on another woman. Being low vibrational, I wanted others to be as miserable, as I was.

I needed to recognize my behavior was a strong indicator that I was poisonous to any man thinking to offer me a loving relationship. I would self-sabotage it..Why? I didn’t care about myself, how could I care about others? I wasn’t ready to love anyone because I had a poverty mindset. I was in lack. I lacked wisdom and integrity. I lacked insight or foresight. I lacked self-love. Lack is usually attached to a poverty mindset. Self-love empowers others, especially women living in patriarchal times. It would never allow me to want to be (become) involved with someone, involved with another.

I was more broken than I thought. See my article “Reflections” written on my other site on this link. I was still for the streets but I was in denial. My behavior proved I was emotionally immature. No where ready, for any kind of serious relationships.I use to believe, “As long as he isn’t married, it’s no big deal.” Yes, it is. It shows my mindset. Somehow, I’d convinced myself that there was a shortage, in available men. No, the hell there is not. It’s 8 billion people on the planet…most women only require ONE mate at time. So ladies, we’re good. Stop believing the hype…become what you want to attract and y’all are good to go. Period. 

When people are still for the streets, they believe low vibrational behavior is cool… And, to be perfectly honest with you people, they are 100% correct. They aren’t wrong at all. That is why they are, for the streets. For example, If I met you creeping on someone, why would you ever expect me not to creep on you too? Creeping-(slang) for cheating. No matter what I say, my actions prove that, I don’t see anything wrong with lying in relationships…So please don’t expect the truth from me and we’re copacetic. Get it? Read the article,” Copacetic” click link here, Copacetic I had to stop blaming others for my naivety. If people don’t care about themselves, I am wrong to expect them to treat me any different. Anything beyond that is delusional and immature because I expect, what they can’t give. I had a “Fantasy Island” belief system. Wink. 

My behavior proved that I needed to heal childhood trauma but I couldn’t accept that yet. So, I did what most toxic people do…I blamed whomever, I was in a relationship with at the time… And then, I went off into a new relationship. Now, How’s that for dysfunctional & toxic? LOL.

I did this, not only one time, guys…I lived my life this way. It was always everyone else’s fault, except mines. News Flash— Honey, there are no victims in relationships. Adults can always bow out of it, especially if it’s toxic. Yet, my ego, wanted to prove something. I still cared what others thought. That lead me to stay in drama and bs relationships. Can you see it now? The conditioning & toxic pattern..denial makes excuses. Adults wake up and see the need for immediate change but they don’t make excuses for it anymore. Self-love wouldn’t allow it. Read the article, “Self Love” click link here, is completely opposite from being for the streets. It requires accountability.Please, don’t knock those still in that phase of their life, everyone has their own cross to bear. People grow at different paces. Just don’t martyr yourself to be with ’em…it’s another lesson. 

I could go on and on folks, someone being for the streets is just that. They’re for the streets. Y’all get it. I use to beef and argue about a man creeping, now, I let a cheater, cheat in peace. I say nothing because his behavior proves that we aren’t aligned anymore. BUT, we had to be when we first met, just don’t overlook that we are required to grow. That’s the purpose of the relationship. It’s supposed to trigger you, to see you. Don’t focus on the other person, go fix you. If you don’t, the one that does the work on themselves, will outgrow the one that stayed the same way. It will change because it has to. It’s called, evolution, folks.

Relationships are not evil, they’re designed to bring forth change in us. It’s for our personal growth. There’s no way to avoid it. Sorry people, no way around it. It’s life lessons, for all.

Stop taking a divorce or a break up so hard. It was only designed to teach you a whole lot about yourself. Bump the other person, it was never about them. It was always about YOU. Source knew what you’d require to grow…so GROW. If they’re still bitter, that’s a problem between, them and Source, not you. Do things decent and in order…Then, get the hell on.

Stop getting all caught up in drama. You’re being messy and that is toxic. That’s a trick of the enemy…to keep you stuck, in your head, and in the past. Trust me, I know because I did it too. Take my advice, Don’t do it. You are to release it. Break ups/divorce aren’t to keep you stuck, forgive and move on. Mainly, Grow the hell up. Let sh*t go. Who cares? Who cares who cheated, lied, stole, had a baby, etc. I don’t care what it is now…it’s over, then it’s over, right? No one owes you sh*t. Thank them for the experience. Never give your power away. Move on.

Release them and their energy. Learn what you can from it, so that you can apply it to future endeavors… And, walk in your truth, so that you can attract someone new, walking in their truth, also. Ask Source for discernment. Because you will be tested, to see if you’ve learned the objective of the lesson. If so, you’re good. Stop nursing pain. Life didn’t end because it was time to move on. Grow up. Stop the pity party. It’s unattractive and will cause you to repeat the whole cycle all over again. Now that’s gruesome. I’ve done this too, boy is it ugly. Take heed & jump off the hamster’s wheel. Who wants to repeat suffering? It’s up to you…decide to stop it, by moving on with your life.

Today, I walk in my truth, so I no longer allow people to blame me for their issues. I realize toxic people just need to heal. BUT…I gave them back, their energy. Why? That is/was not about me…I wasn’t there when they experienced trauma, so I’m not letting people project their unhealed traumas onto me. I kindly tell them, No thank you, that’s your load to carry until you get tired of it. I wish you the best but that’s on you to decide to either deal with why you do the things you do or notI’m out.” 

I’ve had to learn this the hard way, folks…”If it’s not my dog, then, it’s certainly not my fight.” I’ve got enough healing of my own trauma to do…Go do your own work, Boo. No more emotional relationships with anyone that hasn’t done the work. Period. That’s slang guys.

I am not your experiment. Real and healed over here only, Dear.

P.S. Thank God this was back when I was toxic and had no kind of common sense but I know all of y’all do, right? Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat 💋


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Note-Both websites, 1. TRIDDY KAT. com and 2. TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW . com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission  to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.