face, dialogue, child

Inner Child

A whole lot of people don’t realize it’s not that you’re so in love, on why, you can’t seem to move on…it’s your refusal to do the inner work that has you stuck, that person you believe you’re stuck on, only triggered your wounding…it’s up to you now to heal it.

If you keep going back to someone that clearly doesn’t deserve to be in a relationship with you, it’s a message you’re not getting from your higher self and that’s not cool…“Healthy people move on”…are you ignoring what the Universe wants you to heal?

Some people take longer to heal than others but all healthy people, move on. Bump this, would of, could of, should of…let that mess go. If you’re wrong, apologize & after that, don’t look back. I’m not giving anyone blood and neither should you. I’ve messed up plenty of times & ruined good things also…& guess what, I apologized, learned what I could from it, got over it & said, “Dang, now I know!”

Heal those inner child issues, so you don’t keep repeating that toxic patterning, bringing that mess with you, in to your next relationship.

It’s the biggest turn off to meet someone & later discover they’re insecure.  It’s on you & only you to know your worth. Stop requiring others to validate you, validate yourself. I’m not your fix or drug. Go do the work on you so you can stop looking outside of yourself, for what you need.

 I’m not sacrificing me or making me smaller to be with you…I did that crap in marriage & it only left me, feeling void and robbed of Self. Read the article, “Self” click link here, Self Please do the work on yourself and those childhood issues. It matters.

How are you at the gym all day, 5x a week but can’t figure out why you’re driving by your ex or baby mama’s house (that you broke up with yrs ago)…really? C’mon now fellas, y’all gonna have to do your part….women are sick of overlooking your emotional crap because y’all are quick to call us out on ours…so what about y’all men? 

Stop mistaking trauma bonding for love. If you don’t love you enough to go work on your issues, why the heck would I want to be in a relationship with you…So you can stalk/harass me? Making me your God…No, thank you. Trauma bonding is not love…it often disguises codependency, which is usually a narcissist and empath paradigm being played out.

It’s your job to figure out which role you’re playing out in your own life and go heal. When you heal, you won’t give a dang about an ex (good or bad), because you’ve healed, so you are in a healthy, emotional and mental space…able to release people & wish them well, seeing the experience as a lesson you were supposed to grow from only…nothing more.

It was always about your expansion. Helping you evolve. The true purpose of relationships. They assist us all in our human evolution. Release the attachments to it all and change your perspective. You can now stop tormenting yourself, crying or blaming yourself and others. No keeping score, it’s all a part of your life lessons. The main objective is to get you to expand and evolve. That’s it. Avoid relationships with people that need to heal, they are painful lessons in self love.

Dust yourself off, thank the Universe for the lesson that experience has brought you and move forward. Starting over is a blessing because it bestows freedom. Change your perspective. Trauma bonding demands your soul’s attention on what you need to go heal. This realization allows you to let go…and welcome new experiences.

Move pass your past.

Keep shining. 

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~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

Visit me at https://triddykat.com and https://triddykatsmeow.com


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