pebble, stones, pebbles-1090536.jpg


Can you remember the last time, you’ve achieved two things by completing one task? I like to call those, “Stones.” Instantly, I am reminded of the metaphor, “Killing two birds with one stone.” Basically, it’s whenever one is achieving two things, at once. For instance, grabbing something to eat while I run to the gas station, filling up, on my way to work.

I remember, working really hard on a creative project and had no idea this malicious person, whom was once close to me, was doing all sorts of things behind my back. They were literally sabotaging me, illegally, using all of my intellectual property. Passing it off, as their own. They were greedy and extremely jealous…trying to take the credit, for my ideas. This type of person is a doppelgänger, in disguise…a cock- blocker. Read article “Cock blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER That’s what unhealed people do…they pretend… and, they project their own personal issues off on to others…especially, on to that person, they’re the most envious of. They’re Fugazi. Read article,” Fugazi” click link here,

This is why Self Love is important. Read article, “Self” click link here, Self It illuminates all confusion and exposes the evil doppelgängers around you. Read article, “Agent of Chaos” click link here, Agent of Chaos My advice: Let the Divine handle it. They need help and are the ones that are throwing stones, hiding their hands. Yet, that’s still between them and Source. They are unhealed and broken. Leave that there with them because nothing they have tried, will stop you.

Use discernment and always take heed to Sources’ instruction. I worked hard and by doing so, it allowed me to kill, two birds with one stone. I couldn’t be duplicated, or imitated, so those that tried, exposed themselves in doing so…while, I got to perfect my craft. Stones. Read article, “Imitation” click link here,

Nothing done in the dark, shall remain unseen. Nothing. Trust Source. Be about your business and stay focused on your intended goal…healing.Wink.

Pay attention…Watch how those same stones that were sent out to harm you, later return, to hit the one, that was cloaked and originally sending it…all whilst, you’ve made a path out of those very stones…moving forward, walking along on, because…Nothing has been in vain. Stones.

It was all a part of the Divine’s plan for you.

Be careful, throwing Stones…better yet… Yell out, “Duck!”

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW

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