Triddy Kat

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For the Streets

Recalling having the mindset of a toxic woman. I actually believed, a man willing, to leave the woman, he was currently with, for me, was a victory over his woman. I thought, I had won a trophy. It was a trophy alright, to a ride on the bus of Karma and BS. Healing, I know better now. If he’s willing to give me a shot or leave her, to be with me, that is a straight red flag. It indicates ONE thing, I am toxic as hell and that I lack self-love. Why else would I purposely want to cause another woman to suffer? I saw that I needed to re-evaluate my way of doing things…What is it in me, that thinks being poisonous to others is cute? I was for the streets and didn’t even know it. I was completely oblivious, blind.

The term, “For the streets” is slang, for toxic, dysfunctional behavior, widely accepted by toxic, dysfunctional people. This isn’t a race or status thing either, it’s a low vibrational thing. When one can’t see beyond their pain, they lack empathy for others. They’re in low vibrational energy. They’re not to be trusted people. Now, I understand how I could inflict suffering on another woman. Being low vibrational, I wanted others to be as miserable, as I was.

I needed to recognize my behavior was a strong indicator that I was poisonous to any man thinking to offer me a loving relationship. I would self-sabotage it..Why? I didn’t care about myself, how could I care about others? I wasn’t ready to love anyone because I had a poverty mindset. I was in lack. I lacked wisdom and integrity. I lacked insight or foresight. I lacked self-love. Lack is usually attached to a poverty mindset. Self-love empowers others, especially women living in patriarchal times. It would never allow me to want to be (become) involved with someone, involved with another.

I was more broken than I thought. See my article “Reflections” written on my other site on this link. I was still for the streets but I was in denial. My behavior proved I was emotionally immature. No where ready, for any kind of serious relationships.I use to believe, “As long as he isn’t married, it’s no big deal.” Yes, it is. It shows my mindset. Somehow, I’d convinced myself that there was a shortage, in available men. No, the hell there is not. It’s 8 billion people on the planet…most women only require ONE mate at time. So ladies, we’re good. Stop believing the hype…become what you want to attract and y’all are good to go. Period. 

When people are still for the streets, they believe low vibrational behavior is cool… And, to be perfectly honest with you people, they are 100% correct. They aren’t wrong at all. That is why they are, for the streets. For example, If I met you creeping on someone, why would you ever expect me not to creep on you too? Creeping-(slang) for cheating. No matter what I say, my actions prove that, I don’t see anything wrong with lying in relationships…So please don’t expect the truth from me and we’re copacetic. Get it? Read the article,” Copacetic” click link here, Copacetic I had to stop blaming others for my naivety. If people don’t care about themselves, I am wrong to expect them to treat me any different. Anything beyond that is delusional and immature because I expect, what they can’t give. I had a “Fantasy Island” belief system. Wink. 

My behavior proved that I needed to heal childhood trauma but I couldn’t accept that yet. So, I did what most toxic people do…I blamed whomever, I was in a relationship with at the time… And then, I went off into a new relationship. Now, How’s that for dysfunctional & toxic? LOL.

I did this, not only one time, guys…I lived my life this way. It was always everyone else’s fault, except mines. News Flash— Honey, there are no victims in relationships. Adults can always bow out of it, especially if it’s toxic. Yet, my ego, wanted to prove something. I still cared what others thought. That lead me to stay in drama and bs relationships. Can you see it now? The conditioning & toxic pattern..denial makes excuses. Adults wake up and see the need for immediate change but they don’t make excuses for it anymore. Self-love wouldn’t allow it. Read the article, “Self Love” click link here, is completely opposite from being for the streets. It requires accountability.Please, don’t knock those still in that phase of their life, everyone has their own cross to bear. People grow at different paces. Just don’t martyr yourself to be with ’em…it’s another lesson. 

I could go on and on folks, someone being for the streets is just that. They’re for the streets. Y’all get it. I use to beef and argue about a man creeping, now, I let a cheater, cheat in peace. I say nothing because his behavior proves that we aren’t aligned anymore. BUT, we had to be when we first met, just don’t overlook that we are required to grow. That’s the purpose of the relationship. It’s supposed to trigger you, to see you. Don’t focus on the other person, go fix you. If you don’t, the one that does the work on themselves, will outgrow the one that stayed the same way. It will change because it has to. It’s called, evolution, folks.

Relationships are not evil, they’re designed to bring forth change in us. It’s for our personal growth. There’s no way to avoid it. Sorry people, no way around it. It’s life lessons, for all.

Stop taking a divorce or a break up so hard. It was only designed to teach you a whole lot about yourself. Bump the other person, it was never about them. It was always about YOU. Source knew what you’d require to grow…so GROW. If they’re still bitter, that’s a problem between, them and Source, not you. Do things decent and in order…Then, get the hell on.

Stop getting all caught up in drama. You’re being messy and that is toxic. That’s a trick of the enemy…to keep you stuck, in your head, and in the past. Trust me, I know because I did it too. Take my advice, Don’t do it. You are to release it. Break ups/divorce aren’t to keep you stuck, forgive and move on. Mainly, Grow the hell up. Let sh*t go. Who cares? Who cares who cheated, lied, stole, had a baby, etc. I don’t care what it is now…it’s over, then it’s over, right? No one owes you sh*t. Thank them for the experience. Never give your power away. Move on.

Release them and their energy. Learn what you can from it, so that you can apply it to future endeavors… And, walk in your truth, so that you can attract someone new, walking in their truth, also. Ask Source for discernment. Because you will be tested, to see if you’ve learned the objective of the lesson. If so, you’re good. Stop nursing pain. Life didn’t end because it was time to move on. Grow up. Stop the pity party. It’s unattractive and will cause you to repeat the whole cycle all over again. Now that’s gruesome. I’ve done this too, boy is it ugly. Take heed & jump off the hamster’s wheel. Who wants to repeat suffering? It’s up to you…decide to stop it, by moving on with your life.

Today, I walk in my truth, so I no longer allow people to blame me for their issues. I realize toxic people just need to heal. BUT…I gave them back, their energy. Why? That is/was not about me…I wasn’t there when they experienced trauma, so I’m not letting people project their unhealed traumas onto me. I kindly tell them, No thank you, that’s your load to carry until you get tired of it. I wish you the best but that’s on you to decide to either deal with why you do the things you do or notI’m out.” 

I’ve had to learn this the hard way, folks…”If it’s not my dog, then, it’s certainly not my fight.” I’ve got enough healing of my own trauma to do…Go do your own work, Boo. No more emotional relationships with anyone that hasn’t done the work. Period. That’s slang guys.

I am not your experiment. Real and healed over here only, Dear.

P.S. Thank God this was back when I was toxic and had no kind of common sense but I know all of y’all do, right? Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat 💋


Visit me at and 


Note-Both websites, 1. TRIDDY KAT. com and 2. TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW . com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission  to use any of my intellectual property or represent me. 

For the Streets Read More »

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Family or Killers?

It used to be, people had to watch out for their enemies…but nowadays, it’s one’s family member(s) one better be very aware of too. Yes, I said it. NOW, it’s becoming way too common for “Family,” to be involved in the killing off of other “FAMILY” members. All for insurance policies, businesses, trusts, etc…to get on. They’ll do anything to appear successful except for going out, to toil and labor, honestly for it…No earning wealth on their own merit.

Remember, Sweetie Pie? Her child was caught up in a crazy case. He was the “UNCLE” that paid for the hit, on his own nephew. That’s all I will say on that because my heart goes out to her. I only mention that case above here because it made me think hard on Family.

Believe it or not people, this mess is going on more than we’d like to think or shall I say, discuss? Y’all know certain people in the family…most people would never look twice at and that person, could actually be considered the black widow or angel of death in the family to any outsiders looking in. I’m just saying…y’all know it’s true.

Now, don’t go looking at everyone in your family all crazy, folks but some people really do have a family of serial killers but they front to the rest of us, like they’re normal. Yet, they’re far from normal. Most people don’t come from that kind of debauchery…Thank God but whose to say what people are actually up to behind close doors? How would you ever know?

These kind of people are greedy and selfish beyond the norm. They blend in and act normal until the opportunity presents itself. Like some real, Ted Bundy type. I call them “Demonic” folks because they are out here doing some really foul sh*t to their own, unsuspecting, loved ones. And, of course, at the root of it all is always… Money. That’s a damn shame. 

My point is people, this is more common than we are actually hearing about. Family members are out here “sacrificing” family too, pretending they’re not involved in the death… when they’re actually the ones that may have set it all up. Always look deeper, beyond the surface level. Read the article, “Deeper” clicking link here, Deeper Smdh.

When Source tells you to cut people off …Please do it. I don’t care who they are to you (be it friend, parent, spouse, sibling or cousin) If Source tells you to “cut them off”…do it. Don’t you dare look back. Read the article Move your butt, asap. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

Source is able to see and hear what they are planning to do to you…that’s why you must train yourself, “Never ever go against your gut instinct.”  That’s usually your higher self speaking to you, so don’t ignore the warning. “Warning comes before destruction.”

If people are operating in devil energy, please do not trust them. Why? Because anyone that’s operating on such a low vibration, can’t help themselves guys. Its energy. They will/can produce some really negative outcomes for you or someone you love. Back off.

Low vibrational people are usually in (devil energy). These people are full of greed, lust, deceit, slander… and yes, even murder, etc. They “covet” the life or gifts of others. They’re jealous of others. They will not hesitate to take a life to better themselves. Be careful taking it light.

I have some kin folks, friends and even some exes that I’ve completely cut off, for smiling in my face & then, saying all kinds of foul sh*t behind my back. Guess what? It was strictly out of them operating on a very low vibration. I stay the hell away from them. Period. I don’t care who they are…if it’s low vibrational, I’ve learned to expect nothing but drama, lies, slander and chaos out of them. I had to purposely distance myself. I had to learn this hard way, to love those types from afar. Bump nostalgia. I’m good. I avoid the toxic, it’s contagious.

Those kind of people can be real live creeps until they heal. That’s slang. I never went back and forth with them either. I just cut them out of my life and put them in the category, they truly belonged in …The official haters section. Wink. 

I don’t care what role people play in my life, I remove myself from those that continue to bring discord or chaos around me. I don’t have to babysit your feelings. I try to use tact but I’m still going to tell you the truth about any situation, you and I are in. You’re grown and you know right from wrong, so why would I have to check you? Because you’re out here clowning, so now you can no longer be around me. I don’t care how anyone feels about that. Get ya sh*t together.

Be it professional or personal, stop allowing people that don’t respect what you bring into their lives or business to have access to you. It’s a waste and disrespect of your gifts and talent…Never play Source that way. Your gifts come from above. Respect & Honor them.

Spirit will always warn you first, it’s up to you to listen… it will and can save your life. Listen.

People are forever talking about the industry and rappers being sacrificed… My question today is–Why aren’t folks outraged and talking about how family members sacrifice other family members for life Insurance policies, Inheritances, Estates, Trust Funds, Assets, Businesses, etc.? 

Do we know who in the family would do something this deplorable? Truth is, some of us have family members that are nothing but serial killers …or black widows, they’ve got bodies! Trust and believe, that they have been doing this mess way before the Rap genre, hit the scene and became known for it. Some don’t want to see what certain members of the family are.

Another thing, this is exactly why one should never go around and ask other people about someone that he or she is interested in…it’s wiser to go to Source, cause you never know how people truly feel about someone. Who is really going to tell you that they’re actually jealous of the person, you are asking them about? Zero. You may actually be speaking to a “cock blocker.” They can use that opportunity to spite them and lie to you. Read the article, “Cock Blockers” clicking the link here, COCK BLOCKER

Grow up people…You are always to go to the main source yourself, that is how one stops all confusion before it can even get started. Nip it in the bud, folks. That is how adults are supposed to move…like, adults.

We’ve all played, “Telephone” in grade school. We all know how the details, switch from person to person. Now, imagine getting details from a bitter or disgruntled person. It can turn downright malicious…because they’ve distorted facts, on purpose. What’d you expect? Haters never miss an opportunity to stab someone in the back, that’s why they’re labeled a hater… And, they’re labeled as, “Fugazi. Read the article, “Fugazi” here,

I say this, also, from experience because I can’t count how many exes, family members or old friends/colleagues are still in their feelings. Please. Mind you, I don’t even rock with any of them anymore…Why? Because I treat them exactly how they’ve treated me back then but one of us couldn’t eat the same sh*t, they’ve always shoveled out. Hmmm, but I’ll let them tell it. Lol. 

One may think, people are close or like family or trusted friends but what if those people, are the people, who are the most envious of them? I hope one doesn’t expect a good story from them. Come on now folks, Y’all gotta start using common sense. You know better. Stop asking people and go get it straight out the horse’s mouth. That’s how you avoid certain bs and finding out later, you got played. You must do your own leg work, if you want truth.

Anyway, open your eyes to things that don’t make sense and stop overlooking it. Always demand answers, even if it is from someone you trust like, family. Are they Family or killers?

Some things, we already know the answers to…so who are we truly fooling?


Keep shining.

 ~Triddy Kat💋


Visit me at and


*Note Both websites, 1TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me

Family or Killers? Read More »

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Look to the hills from which cometh thy help“…I may be off on that scripture but y’all get what I’m saying folks. Tonight, I’m writing this for the many folks that are finding out that they’ve been deceived or betrayed by someone they cared for or trusted. 

I’ve come to bring a message: “Return to your first love, which is the Creator of all.” Release.

Now, I don’t care what religion anyone is..that’s not my business, that’s solely between you and The Divine…whatever you practice, call upon that. Be it God, Source, The Universe, etc. Y’all get it. 

There’s plenty that can hurt us but betrayal usually cuts deeper because of whom it comes from. I won’t preach to you or rub in the, “I told you so.” Lord knows, you don’t need that right now.  I will just say this experience was only meant to awaken you & show you, that you must began to “love yourself” more. In doing that, you’ll learn to discern unclean spirits amongst you. So don’t sweat it. 

Sure, it hurts, sure you can’t stop the tears from flowing…so let them flow. Sigh & just release the hurt because in that stream of tears…our souls are allowed to finally purge itself…too often, we don’t let it. The good book tells us, “The Almighty has saved every tear we’ve ever cried.” Now that’s love guys and love, is the only thing real folks. 

Forgive the one that has betrayed you. I didn’t say, “Go back to them”…I only said, “forgive them”, so that the resentment doesn’t sit and fester into a cancer in your body.  

Let it all go. Who cares, who did what? None of that matters anymore…if you’re still alive to read this right now, you are blessed because you still have time to change your mind and go in a new direction. That’s the blessing, folks. Don’t overlook it. Read the article, “Blessed” here, Could it be, that it’s simply just time to move on? 

We’ve all just closed out a harsh, painful, toxic cycle folks. Thank God. Read article, “Closed” here, Closed If you’re like me… then, you already know that cycle was freaking rough. It was painful…Read the article, “Cycles” here, Cycles It was intense. So, even with tears in your eyes…Stop and give God the glory that you’re not dead and sleeping in your grave. It could have been so much worse, no time to dwell on that cycle people…it is, what it is. Yes, that’s slang. Lol. Read the article, “10:10:10” here, 10:10:10

Give praise to the Creator for what you still do have. Life

Your job is not to quit and give up on yourself. You’re no longer a victim. We all get played and done dirty & such is life, guys. Bad things do happen to good people too, ain’t no avoiding it folks. 

Have a good, ugly cry. Then, go take a shower and rest knowing, “Everything will be alright.” It takes time but have some patience with yourself. Look at the Sunflowers, I truly believe heliotropes are here to remind us, that the Divine is in control of it all. So we can breathe and relax. Read the article, “Sunflowers” clicking link here,

It’s time, trust in yourself again & make “Source” the priority, this time in your life. Have a “heart to heart” talk with Source. The same way you would a trusted loved one. I can’t count how many days, I’ve sat alone, talking, just to Source. It works wonders. I don’t care who thinks it’s strange. I do what works for me. No explanation required. 

You must develop, your own truth and stand in it. Bump what others think…that’s giving them way too much power over your life. Take it back. 

Pleasing Source, is all that really matters. “Owe no man anything but to love ’em.”  Ya heard…smile. 

Give it some time, allow change. Ask the Creator for help with leaving, what no longer serves you alone for good…do what you can to redirect yourself and stop going around those that hurt and betrayed you in the first place. Period. That’s slang. 

Make up your mind that you can love them from a distance. Some pain comes to remind you, that you deserve better, stop settling. Please decide “now” is the time, you’ll BEGIN to work on healing that inner child…so the wrong or toxic people can no longer trauma bond you. That’s it. Release. Give yourself a break, you’re allowed to make mistakes. That’s also a part of living…to fall. Falling helps us learn and grow. So if you’ve fell, get your *ss back up. That’s life.

You’ve got this. Don’t stress the old, release and let no resentment linger within. Move on. Love is the only thing real, the rest of it, is illusions. Wink.

You’re gonna have to learn how to thug it out. Real Life, ain’t for chumps or suckas. 

God knows, I’m doing all that I can to stay sucka free,

How ’bout y’all? Smile. 

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


Visit me at and


*Note Both websites, 1TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.

Release Read More »



Warning—Do not accept anything (from family, friend or spouse, etc. ) NO one has my legal consent or permission to represent me in any form…. Thieves have gotten hold of mail containing important documentation for my websites. “Triddy Kat and Triddy Kat’s Meow.” Any Signature (notary included)or paperwork presented is 100% fraudulent. No one can use any of my intellectual property. I work alone, independently. No partners or employees.


Written on 10/12/22…


PSA Read More »

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The Set up

Question: How well do you know those closest to you? Some will say, “I know them like the back of my hand.”… If that’s your response, you may want to think again. In my previous article “Cocky” here, Cocky I wrote about how one being perceived as cocky, typically offends those that are envious of you.

In that article, I briefly touched on the cruel and malicious intentions of others. Family, friends, colleagues and scorned lovers, etc. (You know, people that one should be able to trust). When you are serious about Source, it will stir those demons up in others. Below, are a few things that was done to me. After reading this, please take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family. I promise you, you’ll be more aware and awareness is half the battle.

There are some people that work as a criminal unit to steal from you, with the intentions on setting you up. For example, my mail was being intercepted and then, forwarded to other addresses or businesses, without my consent. The mail is the most crucial piece to the puzzle. This is how criminals set up, to steal your identity. I had people accessing and intercepting my phone calls and e-mails, without my consent. They were using apps to send out fake text messages to cause strife. Next, they simply get a person to gain employment at the local cell service carrier. Others go take out loans, under your business name, while others will open bank accounts in your name. Now, you can see why they need access to your mail. Bold huh?

Some make money illegally off of you, by planting hidden cameras in your home, by simply throwing a few dollars to a maintenance worker, utility worker, cable worker or property manager. Criminals can now sell and stream footage from inside the privacy of your home, on the dark web, without your knowledge or consent. Don’t forget that a birth certificate, social security card, etc. can easily be copied from your child’s school main office or local utility companies or leasing office to create ID. I had to literally study my enemies to figure out how they were setting me up. I became my own detective. I refuse to go down without a fight.

If you own a business, there are likely “PPP” loans illegally filed under your business name….they use stolen documents obtained from your mail for ID. In my case, people were bold enough to pretend they worked for me or that I’d given them consent to represent me, to get investors to do business deals. They use these loans to go purchase property or start up new businesses. Check all of your titles and deeds. Thieves are Bold. So should you be, also… Follow the money. It will reveal it all.

How do they do this?….They use orchestrated distraction tactics ….For instance, they often use family and friends to gain personal information on you. Example, Let’s say that you’re going through a divorce, they will secretly eavesdrop on your calls from friend to friend, to keep tabs on what’s going on…because there will be a need to drag it out. Remember those hidden cameras in your home, give away all of your personal information without you knowing it, too. Divorce and Custody Battles are their favorite. They’re easiest to distract you from knowing, they’re illegally obtaining mortgage loans, cars loans, etc. in your name. Remember, they’re banking on you being too emotionally distraught from Family Court. I’m speaking from personal experience. I was too stressed at the time, to notice that it was all a set up. Thieves were counting on that.

All they really have to do is place the child(ren) with the parent that doesn’t qualify for primary custodial parent. That tactic alone, should guarantee to have one distressed and distracted. This is how it was done to me. Mind you, they are purposely setting you up to take the fall in the end, so they are signing your name to everything. It’s pretty clever…signing your name, creating false reports, etc. Guarantees that you get investigated instead of the criminals. This is why there is a need to monitor your phone calls and e-mails…intercepting your communication is pivotal, it’s so you don’t know what is actually going on until it’s too late to get help. It’s also to block authorities from contacting you, stop job offers, and it’s to gain your account numbers, passwords, etc. Gaining access to your contacts info or blocking certain contacts. Basically, they’re monitoring you, guys but it’s all being done illegally… violating your right to privacy.

So while you were distracted, fighting for your kids in family court…blind or corrupt individuals ignore your parental rights. All while the frauds are out shopping, purchasing cars, homes, clothes, etc. These people purposely create frivolous reports on you, via Children Protective Services, Better Business Bureau, etc. They’re coming for your stability, employment, mental health, competency and character -they need to cover up what was illegally done in family court. Next, they pay people to spread rumors and slander your name. They will send fake love interest at you too. Why? That’s another Major Distraction. The people that are spreading these rumors and gossip on you, are usually a part of the criminal group. Read articles “Panda” here, or “Smooth Criminals” the link is here, Ask for receipts, fact check… These people are likely gang stalkers, too. Lastly, if you are experiencing all of this…someone you know, has likely been paid to set you up to traffic you or your children. And, there is likely a “Life INSURANCE” policy taken out on you and your children. Ladies especially, please stay on point. Talk to your children.

Folks, they’re setting up a smear campaign against you, the victim…that will help destroy your credibility in the community, job, school, etc. Get it. They need others to think you’re crazy. By questioning one’s mental health, the victim automatically loses support. It’s all staged, an illusion. The rumor mill is designed to get your true support system, friends, family, even colleagues to shy away from you. Nefarious individuals need to isolate their victims, first. Less witnesses.

This will be hard for some of you to fathom folks but most of these traffickers were put on to you. Sent by someone you know, like a family member, colleague, ex or friend. Vet them all.

The hearts of men (& women) have grown cold, towards others. Therefore, we must be vigilant now more than ever, about protecting our families and ourselves. Stay safe.

Keep shining.

Triddy Kat💋


Visit me at and


The Set up Read More »

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I have been called lots of things, yet; cocky is the funniest one. I strategically took my life from Sh*t to Sugar. Damn skippy, I walk tall. Besides, what could possibly bother someone about someone else being cocky? Cocky is defined as: boldly or brashly Self-Confident. How does that seriously bother another person? I am cocky because I’m a doer and I get results…so If I stop doing, I’ve detected some bs. I refuse to put energy into foolishness. I have earned the right to be cocky. I bounce back…Source backs me.

I have shared in previous articles, how me simply loving me, bothered people that are not secure with themselves. So much, they came up with a malicious plan on how to stop me from moving forward without them. Trying to get me to think less of myself. Please. That same malicious group is currently facing all of sorts of karma because it was illegal to do what those haters carried out. But…That’s another article. Wink.

Here’s the real kicker, this maliciousness wasn’t done because I had wronged anyone …It was simply because I was proud of my hard work, paying off for me. Smh. Since, they were no longer secure about their position in my life…they tried to stop me from moving forward with my life. How wild is that? They did all they could to have me stuck and broken-hearted. It was absurd. Read the article , “Broken Hearted”click link here,

Unless you’ve been through this, you can’t imagine, people you thought had love for you, plotting on you. All lusting over someone else’s life. Mind you, I am the Orphan, here. Make it, make sense. That’s why, I tell y’all to keep it pushing. I mean it literally because I’ve experienced it. It’s all designed to hinder you, to make you give up on you. Please don’t. Keep it pushing no matter what. Not bitter or mad…Once you heal, see folks for who they are…Not Healed.

Lots believed, they were GOD in my life…and now, they’ve all gotten GOD’s attention. I didn’t have to do a thing.

I was shocked by all of the lies told on me. Source had been trying to warn me, I chose to ignore it. Now, I was being forced to take a closer look at those around me. It was U-G-L-Y. People closest to me spread the most horrendous lies…I’m sure y’all guessed the motive by now—MONEY. Told y’all jealousy is a mug. Real life is way stranger than fiction.

Next, I did what I know to do…made some major cuts, wiped the tears from my eyes, dusted my shoulders off and started over again. That’s life folks…it’s not personal. I deiced to leave the insidious alone. Read the article, “Insidious” click link here,

Source was trying to get my attention but I kept ignoring all of the red flags. So Source had to allow the people closest to me, to wake me up. I wasn’t getting it. I was choosing not to see. It was always there. Envy is hard to hide. I ignored it because of their role in my life.. I saw, how programmed, I was. I could no longer ignore, truth…it cost way too much. Read the article, “Paid the Cost” click link here,

I needed to unplug from the matrix and think for myself. I wasn’t supposed to focus on “Who” did me wrong. Negro please. Once you heal, that won’t matter anymore. Love them from afar. Read the article, “Negro Please” click link here,

I was betraying myself, I dimmed my shine for others to feel comfortable. I tried to blend in and be normal, so that others wouldn’t call me, cocky…Guess what? They called me, cocky anyway. How about that? LOL. Nothing but some straight haters, Cock blockers. Read, “Cock Blocker” click link here, COCK BLOCKER

It took me a long time to realize being me, is all I know how to be…some will like it, others won’t. That’s life guys…Who cares? It doesn’t matter who calls you cocky. Only what I think of me, matters. It was never about the other people in my life…it was always about me finding out who I truly am. I am the bag. Read, “I Am the Bag” click link here, I Am, The BAG

Take none of it personal guys, life is much too short to spend it bitter. Have compassion, move on knowing they were only betraying themselves, trying to betray others. Leave that between them and Source. You can be cocky knowing Nothing will stop you. Read the article, “Compassion” click link here, Compassion

They were all chosen to teach me crucial lessons about myself…but they aren’t needed, once the lesson is learned. Move on peacefully…it’s not about other people, it’s about you…and it’s always about the Evolution of Man, bump being called, Cocky.

“Never, ever dim your LIGHT, it’s bigger than you, it’s for others that need your light to come out of their darkness.”

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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Note – Documentation of unauthorized changes made, illegally. Both websites, 1. TRIDDY KAT . COM and, 2. TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW . COM are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.

Cocky Read More »

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Be mindful being around those that cause you to doubt yourself. It’s beyond dangerous. Your first instincts are always correct. People that confuse you about your sense of Self or Reality are to be avoided like the plague. I used to argue or try to prove that I’m right…Now, I could care less who believes or gets why I do the things that I do. Read, “Self” click link here, Self

I have learned to cut certain things off and I don’t look back. I refuse to allow foolishness in. I find it too disparaging …which is defined, lowering in rank or reputation.

I refuse to entertain those that are envious and full of strife…I’ve got things to do. Plus, those types, secretly sabotage others because they, themselves lack courage to go after their own dreams. I had become accustomed to allowing in the unhealed and unhealthy. I saw that I needed to heal and rid my life of toxic patterning. It was hard work that required dedication to myself.

It all began with ME. Not with this or that person, it began with ME. Me taking “accountability” for my own life and the decisions that I make or that I had made. Period. When I finally accepted that…I began to see that I, was my problem.

My refusing to face reality, was granting toxic people space to distort my reality. My cognitive dissonance was unsettling. Certain individuals can cause you to second guess your reality. But, they can only do, what you allow. Get it?

Ask yourself…“What am I doing around these type of people? Where is my Self Love? When you know better, you do better. You have given your power away. Come up with a plan and change things. Take your power back, once you know better. Read the article, “Self-Love” click link here,

I don’t care who or what their title is…Family, lover or friends, don’t allow those who refuse to do the work on themselves, in…And, expect nothing but foolishness from them. They’re warmongers…Until they make their own healing a priority, nothing will change. So it will be best, to step away. Read the article, “Warmongers” click link here, Warmonger

Healing should matter. Focus on fixing your own issues…that’s how you begin to heal. I like to call that, “Tending to your own garden.” Avoid those that are disparaging…

Your job is to run towards the opposite of that word disparaging, which is to Exalt. Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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Disparaging Read More »

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A few years back, I stumbled across a documentary about this bad *ss Lion in Africa that literally was tearing s**t up. He was referred to as “Ntwadumela” which means: He who greets with Fire…also known as-The Hyena Killer. Everything about the documentary fascinated me, mostly, because of my Leo placements. Smile.

I thought on the Lion and its nature, which lead me to give more thought on the nature of the Lion’s constant adversary, the Hyena. Hyenas are masters of exploiting chaos. Read the article, “Agent of Chaos”, link here, Agent of Chaos Hmmm, I thought out loud, “I know some beings that act just like Hyenas.” Unfortunately, even down to their Genetic Selection– Hyenas are the only mammals that kill off their competition, even siblings. Read the article, “Designer Baby” link here, Designer Baby Now, how freaking crazy is that? Killing off siblings…wow. Sounds kind of insidious doesn’t it huh? Read the article, “Insidious” click link here,

Like it or not, “Superiority breeds competition folks…And, I learned the hard way, not to ignore those constantly in competition with others…because competition isn’t always friendly, guys. It can get downright ugly.

It took me a little while to realize that one should only compete with thyself.

Nowadays, I choose to focus my energy on being a better me. I stopped letting others pull me into their comparisons game also. It usually breeds contempt. Let whomever does their thing in an area, do that. Besides, most can’t compete, where they don’t even compare. It takes wisdom to know the difference.

Ntwadumela, The Hyena Killer in my life, has been Source, for my enemies were many. Yet, I remained humble because I knew “Sekhmet” wouldn’t fail me either. Whenever you find yourself in battle with relentless enemies, do as I did, call upon, Source. Then, rest assuredly, knowing that the battle isn’t yours, it’s the Lord’s.

Trust and believe, Ntwadumela, He who greets with Fire, is far from a punk, guys. Just sit back and watch, the Hyenas that were laughing at your plight, aren’t going to be laughing by the end of that matter….especially, when Ntwadumela, The Hyena Killer gets through with them. When others attempt to tame you…tell ’em, “Tame who?” Wink. Read the article, “Tame Who?” click link here,

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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Ntwadumela Read More »

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When people try to label you as money hungry or a gold digger…Laugh at them. I remember an envious group tried to describe me this way. Meanwhile, they were secretly copying me, my style, stealing my intellectual property, even illegally intercepting and blocking all forms of communication, etc. As we say in the hood, “Where they do that at?” Slang. I laugh because I create. Period. One who creates, has no need to dig or hunt for another’s pot of gold because“We create our OWN pot of Gold. That’s true wealth…the ability to create.

The word, Gold-digger is defined: a person whose romantic pursuit of, relationship with, or marriage to a wealthy person is primarily or solely motivated by a desire for money. Now you see why I laughed? No bueno, Boo.

People will say all sorts of mess about you when you step outside the box, I keep telling y’all…Let ’em talk. Read the article, “Let ’em Talk” link here, Their views are usually limited because they’re spending all of their energy watching others. Not smart. It will behoove you to be about your own business, moving forward with your goals. No sack-chasing for us creators. Slang. LOL.

Create your own opportunities because you know without a shadow of doubt, that the Universe will back you up. Those talking smack about you are usually describing themselves…that’s called projection. Tell ’em, “Nice try, angry bird.” And, Smile. I used to care, now, I say little while I press forward and keep creating. I told y’all before,“The proof is in the pudding…My work.” Read article, “Proof in the Pudding” link here, Proof In The Pudding

Being about “MY” business…keeps me, “Sucka free“..(that’s more slang guys). A whole lot of us should try that approach. Bump chasing the bag, become the bag. Ain’t Life grand? Wink. Read the article, “I Am, The Bag” click link here, I Am, The BAG

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


Visit me at and


Gold-digger Read More »

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4 Much

Have you ever found out the truth about a matter, later, having to say to yourself, “Wow, I gave that person too much credit?” The saying usually accompanies the feeling of disbelief and disappointment. A reality check. A friend and I, use this term instead of saying we gave someone too much credit. We’d instead say, “We gave this person four much credit.” Slang. Meaning, we gave them double credit…you know, the benefit of doubt (times two) which is “4 much” credit…And, please don’t forget if you find yourself saying this…it’s because someone was given the benefit of doubt, that shouldn’t have been given it at all. You’ve discovered that person was a Trickster…a deceiver. So we coined the term, “4 Much” credit. Read the article, “Trickster” click link here,

I learned the hard way to stop asking people’s opinion unless they are on the same caliber of the person, I’m inquiring about. For example, I can not ask a woman, that has never given birth, whether I should get a epidural or not? It makes no sense…Not because she doesn’t know anything about childbirth but because she has no experience to draw from within herself on labor pain. So her advice will come from a limited place. Get it? Read, “Birth” here,

Now, turn that to love. Some of us are giving people we love “4 much” credit. They have no self love, lack communication skills, they’re bitter, immature, etc. Yet, we still ask these same people for advice in our relationships. Why? If you refuse to heal, how can you give sound advice? It’s not coming from a good space. You may mean well but it will lack wisdom. Wisdom isn’t easily attained and lots of people have good intentions but it’s said, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Y’all, get where I’m going with this right? LOL

The next time, you want to give someone the benefit of doubt, especially when asking he/she or them about a love interest…please, make sure the people you are asking, are at least, of the same caliber. If not, you may be getting advice from those with tainted hearts. Don’t be mad when you are forced to watch the drama unfold…catching yourself shaking your head and saying, “I gave them 4 much credit.” Yup, you sure did. Come on now y’all. We know better folks….They’re cock blockers. Read the article, “Cock Blocker” link here, COCK BLOCKER

Make it, make sense.” Slang. Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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