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When someone wants what you have so bad, they want to be you…Watch out now! That’s a hater for real. Probably, a cock-blocker too…I can only say, “Poor tink, tink.” I swear, Jealousy is a deadly disease. Women need to get it together, stop worrying about other women. That’s how we lose. We know better and when women stoop to low levels, we attract trash. IJS.

Some women become jealous of one another because of an ex, it makes no sense. I’m talking about once, I had this woman paying people to secretly watch me, report on what I wore and stalk me to find out things, down to like which color I had in my hair, etc..Then, she’d literally go out and copy it was crazy. It was as if, she thought, she could become me, if she copied me…That’s strange but insecure women do think this way. All because of an ex, that I was no longer interested in, it was her running behind my sloppy seconds…and then, mad at me. Please. That’s that weirdo stuff, I’ve talked about. These mean girls are out of control out here. Read article, “Weirdos” here,

I felt sorry for her until I found out how malicious she was behind my back…spreading all kinds of horrible lies and doing things to block my money, career, love life, etc. It turned ugly because she didn’t think her, being herself was enough. A hater on the low. I call that a cock-blocker because she was purposely causing conflict between me and an ex, with all of her lies, strictly out of her jealousy. And, trying to cock-block me, by trying to change the way others viewed me…Meanwhile, she was covertly spying and stalking me. Tah, I could care less about strange women. That’s something within them, I refuse to deal with that kind of foolishness. Whenever, one discovers people acting like that…back up from them because that’s an indicator of a more serious issue, that really has nothing to do with you. It’s more like obsession, if they don’t stop, I suggest bringing in the authorities. That’s a major red flag. Be careful.

I have had men do that mess too. Straight weirdos, I tell ya. BUT…Let me say this, Stalking a woman is about jealousy, lack of self- control, wanting control over someone else, that’s never rooted or grounded in love…it’s about something much more sinister…back out of that relationship slowly..they have major control issues. “Run, Forrest, Run.” Lol. Nah, but for real, I don’t know which is creepier, the women stalking me because of a man or the men. Lord, I have had some real weird, weirdo experiences but whatever. Wink.

Anywhoo, back to the cock-blockers. They run this interference, hoping, to try to stop someone else from liking you or having a relationship with you. Read article,” Interference” clicking here, That’s insane but insecure people do some really wild s*** to others. I have had this done to me, so I’m sharing some of my wild experiences. Don’t waste your time, back away slowly and stay gone. They’re dangerous, cut them out of your life..Read the article, “Cut ’em Out” by clicking here,

Now, one time, I had one of my exes looking for men, he could PAY to date me, just to purposely break up with me…it’s crazy but that’s how far these cock-blockers go. Y’all have to know there is something wrong with people acting like that. These people can’t stop their obsession. Another, would befriend, whomever, I was dating, to secretly keep tabs on me. They’re very petty but also really cruel. Yet, I watched and recognized the level of emotional immaturity of these people. It’s as if, they feel if they can’t have you, they want to mess it up for you and everyone else. None of it is based on LOVE. Lust…Love doesn’t make you do that. That’s about possession. They secretly mess with your love life. Who does that mess? Smh. 

Truthfully, the one cockblocking, is usually the one(s) that actually wants or still likes you themselves. They create blockages in your love life. When I’d find out..I’d think, “See, that’s why I stopped dealing with your crazy a** because you have no “off” switch.” I find that kind of behavior deeply disturbing. It’s too much. Slang 

Another thing, please stop asking friends to talk to others you’re interested in, for you…if you like a person, what makes you think your friend won’t like them too? Are y’all crazy? You should know better. Most people won’t deliver the message anyway, especially, if that person is all of that..but they will use that opportunity to shoot their shot. Don’t blame them, when they hit it off because you were supposed to speak for yourself…or stay your scary butt out of relationships until you work on your confidence, you’re not ready. Period. Talk for yourself. Grow up.

One thing all cock-blockers have in common, is that they always lie on their target. Ladies, if you’re out here, lying on other women, so men don’t get with them, You, my dear, are a Certified cock-blocker. Men, if you’re doing that mess or out here lying saying that you slept with a woman or you know someone that has been with her, JUST to stop your man from hollering at her, You, Sir Bug-a-boo, are a cock-blocker too…and a sucker. Lol. 

BUT…for real though, y’all, we need to Grow the hell up…stop hating on other people’s relationships, quit sticking your nose in people’s love lives…use all that energy, to go fix your own… And, please no more cock-blocking! 

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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