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Most women are raised, dreaming about being someone’s wife. That’s cool, but I was thinking about other things. Marriage, wasn’t at the forefront because I was too busy enjoying life. Now of course, it was something that I felt could happen one day but I wasn’t pressed about it. Wifey material? “Aww, that’s too cute but I’m doing me, Boo.” Now folks, I’m betting on me, only. Smile. Read article “Betting on Me” here, Betting On ME!

Whenever, I’d hear someone say, “She’s wifey material.” I’d think, “And what does that mean?” …and laugh. I love marriage and I love being single. For me, neither is/was a bad thing. I firmly believe women must shun the idea of waiting on the one. I’ve always felt, I am the treat, so why would I be waiting on the one? Hell, I am the one…what could I possibly be waiting for? I choose me and I have never been in wait of anyone. I don’t believe in that. I’m not throwing shade or stones at anyone, that’s just not me. Read the article, “Stones” click link here, Stones

I’ve been in a 20 year marriage and I’ve been married, more than once. Hell, if you ask me, I feel like Elizabeth Taylor, doesn’t get enough credit. We don’t give her, her props. She did life, right. Read the article, “Liz” clicking link here, Liz She wasn’t afraid to engage in love and if that relationship, dried up, she boldly moved on. That’s so my kind of Girl… cause that’s my kind of thinking. It’s a beautiful thing to love. But most people stay, even when it’s obviously over because they’re afraid to release one another. They’re too afraid of what society says or thinks. Read the article, “Release” clicking link here, Release

Society says, “TWO PEOPLE MUST STAY TOGETHER”…Thank God, I don’t agree or believe that. I think people are to grow together and learn together, when they stop…That’s their clue indicating to both, that it’s time to move in a new direction. Not go have an affair. They can stay together or not…but never at the expense of someone else. Grow up, people. Learn to let go. Take no one’s choice from them…or Source, will teach you, why you are to let go.

No one gets to keep someone stuck with them because people are not possessions or objects. That’s foolish thinking and the quickest way to lose people like me. I refuse to be around people that feel the need to control others. Why, because they usually lack control of themselves the most. That’s not about you, that’s always about their inner childhood issues. They were supposed to work on that before they got into a relationship or they will forever run people off. Read the article, “Inner Child” click link here, Inner Child I just say, “Back away from them slowly because there is much deeper underlining issues.” To me, that’s a.. RED FLAG relationship, tread lightly, run for the nearest exit. For real.

Control over someone else, is not about love, it’s about the need to take other people’s power from them. Shut that foolishness down. Feel no guilt. Run. Love yourself enough, to know that emotionally, healthy adults don’t believe in controlling other people, ever…but manipulators sure do. Those relationships are toxic and very dangerous. They also serve as catalyst relationship for you. Read the article, “Catalyst” click link here, Catalyst Work on you, so that you don’t keep attracting those type of people in your life. They are there to show you, what you, need to fix in you..NOT in them. Basically guys, no you don’t have control issues, you have a self-worth issue because you keep allowing controlling people in your space. Get it?

Take accountability for your own decisions that you are making. Stop blaming others for not loving you enough…YOU are to love you enough, period. They didn’t make you get involved with them. You choose that relationship, so you can choose to heal and leave that relationship also. Don’t choose that type of relationship again. But.. “Until the lesson is learned, it is repeated.” Read “Patterns” here, I’m an Educator guys…that’s a rule…and, it’s true in all walks of life. My students repeated the same mistakes while learning an objective until they’ve mastered it. Then, I stop giving them that lesson. They pass their test and move on. Some of us are basically, not paying attention. We’re not realizing, that we are failing the test, so we are stuck repeating it over and over, again. You will pass the test, by simply mastering the you can Graduate. That’s it. Got it? Good. Smile.

Now, don’t beat yourself up..It’s ok to have to repeat lessons but one day, you will grow tired of the merry-go-round of Life, folks. When you do, Good. You were supposed to heal, whatever issues you have, within yourselves. Co-dependent people would rather fix others because it takes away from what they were supposed to fix in themselves. I’d know because I use to do that crap. Martyring myself for love…Please, that’s a big manipulation trick. Then, I’d get all mad at the other person for not fixing me. Hello, they’re not Source! Stop waiting for others to fix you. Fix your damn self… ain’t s**t wrong with you but lazy. You don’t want to do the work on you because it’s hard…and, likely painful. It still has to be done, boo. Sorry. Lol

I’d know cause I stayed martyring myself in love relationships to fix the men, I was with. Meanwhile, these men never asked me to fix them. See why we’d bump heads? I’m playing a role that I shouldn’t be in. Boo, that’s nothing more than a trick of the enemy….getting you to be distracted and waste your own time…it will quickly turn into wasting your life, if you don’t catch it. Why? Because nothing has changed. No growth has occurred in either party, fool. I had to learn that…Grow up and go do the work on myself. No one else. Martyring in a relationship, is just as bad, as being the controlling person… neither, is emotionally healthy.. it won’t last. They both need to heal and grow up. Period.

Anywhoo, I don’t do what others feel is right, it has to be right for me… I do what I long as it’s not endangering others, why do others care? They’re Nosy and living vicariously through others because they’re cowards. That bothers others because they’re stuck, living their lives for others. So to me, those people are all basically, Fugazi as hell. Read the article, “Fugazi” clicking link here, They are too busy pretending for others. They still need and seek validation. I avoid them at all cost because they are energy vampires. They are too afraid to be free…so they attach to others, that are doing their thing in life, to try to suck the life out of them. Hell no, you won’t do that crap to me….you’ve got to get the hell on, Boo. You’re much too toxic, dear. Wink.

To me, in life, all will have good and bad experiences but I am not afraid to do things I want, the way, that I want. Who cares if marriages and other relationships don’t work out? So what, I can always go do it again…I take the lesson and move on. I don’t believe in limiting myself. I’m too passionate about life to care, what you agree with or not. No one can steal that from me or you. Only you know, what makes you tick. Guard that…no one can steal that from you but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. Trust and believe me, they will certainly try. Haters always do because they’re afraid to live, life on their own terms.

I have never had a problem with attracting men because that’s never been at the top of my list of goals. Wifey material? Honey, please stop it. To me, I’m all that...since, I’m all that really matters…that means, “I am right where I need to be, for me, doing ME…bump others opinion.”

As we say in the hood, “Get you some business. Stay out of mine.” LOL

I do Me, Excellently. That’s not being cocky. I am confident in who I am because I know, WHOSE, I AM. Read the article, “Cocky” clicking link here, Cocky So being wifey material isn’t something, I stress over. I’ve always felt, the one, I will be with, will appear, when they’re supposed to. Plus, I’m too busy enjoying me and life, to be worried about that. Honey, I’ve got a life to live….the question now is: “Do you?” Wink.

I’ll say this to say to women everywhere, “Stop waiting on people to choose you….Read the article, “You” clicking link here, You…Live your life. YOU are to choose YOU, damn it!”

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

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Note– Both websites, 1TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW com are run solely by me, TRIDDY KAT. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.